getting kopano4s to work again


Mitglied seit
01. Mrz 2020
Punkte für Reaktionen

At the suggestion of tosoboso I am posting my problem in this forum. I am writing in English as my German has suffered due to non-use.

Over a year ago I my kopano4s was victim of malware which I tried to fix without success. At a certain moment kopano4s stopped working and I abandoned it but it kept nagging me that I could not get it work. It did for more than 6 years, if I remember well. This week I suddenly got succes and the beta version started working. I understand that it should be downgraded but then again the container would start and stop after some time. Below is the Docker log file from my latest effort.

The first line starts with "grep: /etc/kopano/server.cfg: No such file or directory". How is that possible from a fresh reinstall?

In line 41 Kopano core is restarted. What action is necessary with the error of line 40? When kopano stops again the output "local: 17018: bad variable name" changes whenever kopano stops working and restarts. In this case from 17018 to 633, 631 and 629.

Can someone help me out to get kopano working on a permanent basis like it did before? How can you find the source of malware? I am afraid that when I import my mariadb it will misbehave again.

Any help, even in German, will be highly appreciated.



date stream content
1 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr grep: /etc/kopano/server.cfg: No such file or directory
2 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout "image intializing UID, GID, etc-cfg, log, ssl, post-build"
3 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout initializing virtual aliases and pwd e.g. for proxy..
4 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout modifying kopano user and group ids (1043 / 65537
5 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout 65544) plus file limits ..
6 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr Usage: groupmod [options] GROUP
7 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr
8 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr Options:
9 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr " -g, --gid GID change the group ID to GID"
10 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr " -h, --help display this help message and exit"
11 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr " -n, --new-name NEW_GROUP change the name to NEW_GROUP"
12 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr " -o, --non-unique allow to use a duplicate (non-unique) GID"
13 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr " -p, --password PASSWORD change the password to this (encrypted)"
14 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr PASSWORD
15 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr " -R, --root CHROOT_DIR directory to chroot into"
16 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr
17 05-05-2021 02:54 stderr usermod: group '65537' does not exist
18 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout increasing file-limits for user kopano adn www-data running sockets..
19 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout increasing php upload_max_filesize to 15M..
20 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout setting in /etc/mailname
21 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout "setting acl, ssl, fetchmail and plugins.."
22 05-05-2021 02:54 stdout running postbuild with custom packages etc...
23 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout initializing av database..
24 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Active services: kopano-server kopano-spooler kopano-dagent kopano-gateway postfix clamav-daemon amavis nginx php7.3-fpm
25 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting Kopano core ...
26 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting server: kopano-server.
27 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting spooler: kopano-spooler.
28 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting LMTP dagent: kopano-dagent.
29 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting gateway: kopano-gateway.
30 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting Kopano web ...
31 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting nginx: nginx.
32 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting Kopano mail ...
33 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.
34 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting ClamAV daemon: clamd .
35 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting amavisd: amavisd-new.
36 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting Kopano sys ...
37 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd.
38 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
39 05-05-2021 02:57 stdout Started clamav-daemon in bg mode restarting amavis once it is loaded..
40 05-05-2021 02:57 stderr /usr/local/bin/ 233: local: 17018: bad variable name
41 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting Kopano core ...
42 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting server: kopano-server.
43 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting spooler: kopano-spooler.
44 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting LMTP dagent: kopano-dagent.
45 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting gateway: kopano-gateway.
46 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting Kopano web ...
47 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting nginx: nginx.
48 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting Kopano mail ...
49 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.
50 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting ClamAV daemon: clamd .
51 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting amavisd: amavisd-new.
52 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting Kopano sys ...
53 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd.
54 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
55 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Started clamav-daemon in bg mode restarting amavis once it is loaded..
56 05-05-2021 02:58 stderr /usr/local/bin/ 233: local: 633: bad variable name
57 05-05-2021 02:58 stdout Starting Kopano core ...
and so on ......


Mitglied seit
27. Aug 2012
Punkte für Reaktionen
Hi, you seem to have an old version of Kpoano Docker Images. The error messages shoudl not occur
Can you please try on Synology cmd.Line: $> sudo kopano4s-init refresh
Once this is running at I assume it is with the beta-community version you can try downgrading by $>sudo kopano4s-downgrade start
As alternative remove the k4s-package while keeping the database and install it new again. When install the stable version you kight have to do a downgrade before it runs. YOu would see this when the container stops and error is about version conflict.


Mitglied seit
25. Mrz 2014
Punkte für Reaktionen
sorry my english is verry bad , i write in german.

@Tosoboso ich habe gestern mein Kopano4S D-Core-8.7.16_Webapp-4.4_Z-Push-2.6.2 neu aufsetzen müssen, da ich
den gleichen Fehler nach einem Init refresh hatte

Nach der Neuinstallation hatte ich den gleichen Fehler wieder, der Container stoppt kurz nachdem Start, ein deaktivieren
des ClamAv scheint eine vorübergehende Lösung zu sein.

Wenn du willst kann ich DIr das PRotokoll gerne mal zu senden.

Gruß dociceage


Mitglied seit
27. Aug 2012
Punkte für Reaktionen
ah, danke, clamav, damit gab es immer mal wieder Ärger, da weiss ich jetzt, wo ich suchen muss.
Mal sehen, sobald es gefunden jnd behoben ist, mit einem neuen Paket geb ich bescheid..


Mitglied seit
01. Mrz 2020
Punkte für Reaktionen
Hi, you seem to have an old version of Kpoano Docker Images. The error messages shoudl not occur
Can you please try on Synology cmd.Line: $> sudo kopano4s-init refresh
Once this is running at I assume it is with the beta-community version you can try downgrading by $>sudo kopano4s-downgrade start
As alternative remove the k4s-package while keeping the database and install it new again. When install the stable version you kight have to do a downgrade before it runs. YOu would see this when the container stops and error is about version conflict.
Hi, I returned a couple of days ago and found Kopano4s working that is to say Docker did not report of "No running container". Today I checked again and the container is not running. Package Center tells me that the Docker version is 18.09.0-519. I had uninstalled docker and kopano and reinstalled the kopano4s from package center. I automatically downloaded docker at the same time. I guess that must be the last version. The moment kopano4s started to work I downgraded the package.

I am including a copy of the server log that contains several errors. Apparently I have configuration errors that I do not understand as I have kept all my data files and folders. I am lost now.


Mitglied seit
01. Mrz 2020
Punkte für Reaktionen

Kopano4S D-Core-8.7.16_Webapp-4.4_Z-Push-2.6.2 installed! Is this the beta version?

Init refresh works well, kopano4s works but stops if you make configuration changes.

Downgrade does not work from the cmd.line: "The migration script is designed for Supported/Community edition downgrade to Default". As K-cmd it looks to be working and I see that my user account is being restored. I can however not determine that the job has completed.

Kopano4s still running. What is a good source for manual configuration?



Mitglied seit
25. Mrz 2014
Punkte für Reaktionen
stop the clamav and reboot the synology.


Mitglied seit
01. Mrz 2020
Punkte für Reaktionen
Why stop clamav?
It is working for 2 days now but not yet configured as it was. Still have to retrieve my phpmyadmin backup.



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