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  1. E

    Migrate ds 209+II to ds210+ pat 3750

    Please help, I magrate my ds209+II to ds210+ but now my diskstation is not working annymore. Only putty works but i cannot get the root password for this diskstation. Now the diskstation thinks its a ds210+ but i cannot use the firmware of ds210+ (its now 3750 firmware) can somebody help me to...
  2. E

    scemd commando's

    done but now the status and power led are working, what else must i replace for the disk leds may work.
  3. E

    scemd commando's

    no one knows how to replace the scem file?
  4. E

    scemd commando's

    Hi, How can i stop scem. I have tried this several times, en the diskstation rebots then.
  5. E

    DSM 2.1, DSM 2.2, DSM 2.3 0839-1141 läuft auf DS-106

    i have the beta version 3 on mine ds106J
  6. E

    DSM 2.1, DSM 2.2, DSM 2.3 0839-1141 läuft auf DS-106

    mit firmware 1141 sind keine probleme.
  7. E

    DSM 2.1, DSM 2.2, DSM 2.3 0839-1141 läuft auf DS-106

    He Goetz gutte job, When do you release the firmware of the ds106j. Don't write good german, because i'm dutch
  8. E

    DSM 2.1, DSM 2.2, DSM 2.3 0839-1141 läuft auf DS-106

    Goetz, Thanks for the firmware, i heard that this firmware fixed the mailstation also.
  9. E

    DSM 2.1, DSM 2.2, DSM 2.3 0839-1141 läuft auf DS-106

    Hi Goetz, Wil there be a new version based on the lastest firmware?
  10. E

    DSM 2.1, DSM 2.2, DSM 2.3 0839-1141 läuft auf DS-106

    sorry i cannot write german, do you have many photo's and video's and mp3 on your nas, it can that he is resyncing.
  11. E

    DSM 2.1, DSM 2.2, DSM 2.3 0839-1141 läuft auf DS-106

    testen konte iech doch 106j 406 209+II
  12. E

    jDownloader jdownloader

    who hat jdownloader on ds or cs zu laufen gemacht? Iech spreche keine german
  13. E

    Usenet Accounts NZB Files

    use sab and the problesm are gone. Look on this site for an download: http://www.mertymade.com/syno/index.html#sabnzbd
  14. E

    DSM 2.1, DSM 2.2, DSM 2.3 0839-1141 läuft auf DS-106

    hatte jemand das oach fuer iene cs406 gemacht? Forgive me i'm dutch
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