
  1. DaveR

    Script to Recover Your Data using a Computer without a lot of typing

    Following Synology's guide to recover your data using a computer is too complicated for many people, and often does not work. So I wrote a script that does the complicated steps 4 to 13 for you...
  2. DaveR

    SHR Switch v2.0.12 with enable RAID-F1 option You need 3 or more SSD drives to use RAID F1. I don't know which consumer Synology NAS models enabling RAID-F1 will work on. I've only checked DS1821+ and DS920+. DS1821+ with 3 WD NVMe drives in RAID-F1 (E10M20-T1 enabled with...
  3. DaveR

    Container Manager for RS819, DS119j, DS418, DS418j, DS218, DS218play and DS118

    There is no technical reason why these NAS models with Realtek RTD1296 or Marvell A3720 CPUs are excluded from installing Container Manager when they have the same CPU as the DS220j or DS120j which are both supported by the Container Manager package. So I made a tiny edit to the package so it...
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