Thank you for your message.
Since you have already downgraded to 640, there is no problem now. Therefore, we are unable to do any diagnosis. Please try upgrading and try again. Contact us when the problem happens.
If the problem can be reproduced, please try editing the /usr/syno/etc/php.ini and disable PHP accelerator by adding ";" in the front of the following lines:
;extension =
;eaccelerator.shm_size = 16
;The cache_dir is set in eaccelerator.c by using getenv("TMPDIR")
;eaccelerator.cache_dir = /var/spool/php/eaccelerator
;eaccelerator.enable = 1
;eaccelerator.optimizer = 1
;eaccelerator.check_mtime = 1
;eaccelerator.debug = 0
;eaccelerator.filter =
;eaccelerator.shm_max = 1M
;eaccelerator.shm_ttl = 0
;eaccelerator.shm_prune_period = 3600
;eaccelerator.shm_only = 0
;eaccelerator.compress = 1
;eaccelerator.compress_level = 9
Then restart apache:
# /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ restart
eaccelerator.cache_dir = /var/spool/php/eaccelerator
If the ; of above line is removed, the cache directory will be set to /var/spool/php/eaccelerator. But in 1 bay model, the cache directory is set to /volume1/@tmp/php/eaccelerator. Unless the user create the directory /var/spool/php/eaccelerator, the PHP will not work if the ; is removed.
We will dynamically change the eaccelerator.cache_dir in our program according to the the DS model. So no need to remove the ; of cache_dir.
Dann wäre das dann auch geklärt. Warten wir halt bis eine funktionierende Firmware erscheint.
Gruß Enrico
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