Da ich die letzten Tage auch das Versucht habe und es sogar geschafft habe auf meiner DS111 mit DMS 3.2 das LetoDMS (immer diese DMS-Abkürzungen...) 3.2.2 zu installieren inkl. Full-Text-Search (der allerdings noch ausbaufähig ist) werde ich hier und/oder ins Wiki eine Anleitung stellen.Installation Guide - Leto DMS 3.2.2 on Synology DS710 and on hosted environments
This is an addition to the official installation guide delivered within
the LetoDMS package. The steps listed here can be done before installing
LetoDMS on your system.
This guide may be used for setting up LetoDMS on Synology disk stations
and on hosting environments where you are not able to install additional
You must have access to the PHP.ini to adapt the include path.
- Access to the console (enable SSH or Telnet within the system settings).
As an alternative you can install the package "ConfigFileEditor"
which is available in the Mertymade repository.
Prepare PEAR ========================================================
* Follow the guide to perform a shared hosting installation:
* The PEAR package Log is also needed. It can be downloaded from
http://pear.php.net/package/Log. Unpack the contents and copy the
folders to your PEAR installation. The file Log.php must be in the
root of the PEAR directory (where PEAR.php resides).
* The package HTTP_WebDAV_Server is also needed. It can be downloaded
from http://pear.php.net/package/HTTP_WebDAV_Server. Extract the
contents and copy the folders to your PEAR installation. The directory
HTTP must be in the root of the PEAR directory (where PEAR.php resides)
Set include_path ======================================================
- Now you have to edit php.ini. If you don't to use the console open the
ConfigFileEditor and edit PHP. Look for include_path and adapt the path
that it matches your installation. To find out the correct path use
- On Synology systems php.ini is located at /usr/syno/etc/php.ini.
- Restart the web server
Now you're done. Continue with the LetoDMS installation.
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