
  1. P

    Dropbox auf der Synology DS!

    For those of you getting "permission denied", please be aware that synobox runs as the "guest" user, so please grant guest full access to your dropbox shared folder. I'll be working on making this detection better very soon. As well as better python detection (and json/simplejson).
  2. P

    Dropbox auf der Synology DS!

    Ok, new version 0.4.5 now available on BitBucket. DropBox denied my production request, so I changed the app to make you get your own developer key. Notes: Uninstall old version and install new version Now requires getting your own developer key and secret and will ask for them during...
  3. P

    Dropbox auf der Synology DS!

    Ok, found the problem.
  4. P

    Dropbox auf der Synology DS!

    Was your /volume1/public directory empty when you reinstalled the new synobox pkg? If not, I haven't quite figured out the best way to handle that situation. After a fresh install, the delta always contains a reset, which the docs say should remove everything in the local directory...
  5. P

    Dropbox auf der Synology DS!

    Noticed a bug in signaling the backend that authorization succeeded and it should start running. I hadn't tried it since I changed it all to run as guest. Normally, packages run as root by default, but since this is messing with files and the dropbox API prefixes everything as /, this is...
  6. P

    Dropbox auf der Synology DS!

    We'll see what they say...
  7. P

    Dropbox auf der Synology DS!

    I'm registered here...I started to "fix" the wiki to help document it. I'm aware each user can go to dropbox and get their own API key that I could prompt for during install, but thats a little painful. Supposedly dropbox may approve it if you obfuscate the keys...which I am. Was going to try...
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