
  1. DaveR

    Windows 11 Install. schlägt fehl!

    They did already :)
  2. DaveR

    DS620slim Noctua Lüfter bleibt stehen

    @Fetz Braun Are you sure that scemd.xml is no longer used? Do you have any more information about it? usr/lib/ in DSM 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 still references /usr/syno/etc/scemd.xml (and defaults to /usr/syno/etc.defaults/scemd.xml if no fan config was found in...
  3. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    I was wrong again. It happens sometimes :( According to Acronis:
  4. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    Was "the power on time is beyond the usual lifetime of a disk when it's running for > 5 years" exactly what ChatGPT wrote? Or was that how you phrased it? That sentence is confusing (to me). I understood "the power on time is beyond the usual lifetime of a disk when it's running for > 5 years"...
  5. DaveR

    Variablen in einer Log-Datei sollen exakt untereinander stehen

    In notepad++ change the line endings to Windows. Edit > EOL Conversion > Windows (CR LF) Or in your script change the \n in each printf line to \r\n
  6. DaveR

    Variablen in einer Log-Datei sollen exakt untereinander stehen

    You can print the variables in whatever order you want. Like $col1 $col15 $col25 Assigning a=3.14 is a string, not a integer or floating point number. The 5 in %5.2d means pad to 5 spaces. The 2 in %5.2d means pad to 2 decimal places. The d at the end of %5.2d means format as a decimal. The f...
  7. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    ChatGPT is often misleading, or even completely wrong. For NAS and server drives the power on time would normally be "24 x 365 x the number years the drive has been in the NAS or server". So it's impossible for a drive to have "the power on time is beyond the usual lifetime of a disk when it's...
  8. DaveR

    Wir brauchen Eure Hilfe beim Aufbau des neuen Wikis

    @Tommes Maybe you should add that to the Wiki :D
  9. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    Like this? It shows only the important information, colour coded to make it easier to understand. I need to update it to decode the Seagate attributes that have huge numbers.
  10. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    @framp You can send emails via a script using DSM's ssmtp. Though it's not a simple one line of code (more like 68 lines if you want to make it bullet-proof). You could strip it down to about 13 lines if you removed all the checking. The script needs to create a txt file that contains the to...
  11. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    Writing to log center is easy with syslog_set. syslog_set info "Plex ${Version} backup completed successfully" EDIT syslog_set must be DSM 6 and older because it no longer works in DSM 7. I'll have a look at synologset1 in @Tommes 3rd link.
  12. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    My ScriptNotify is not finished. When it is finished there will be Release with a ScriptNotify_1.0.0-0001.spk file to install in package center. For ScriptNotify I think I started with Horst Schimd's DemoUiSpk7 or @Tommes DSM7DemoSPK and stripped out all the parts I didn't need. During...
  13. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    I never got around to finishing so it's still currently incomplete. When finished it would only send messages to the DSM Notifications, like: So no email notifications.
  14. DaveR

    HDD SATA IronWolf Pro 16 TB - Mulmiges Gefühl

    For Synology NAS with an x86-64 CPU syno_hdd_db when run with the -I or --ihm option installs IronWolf Health Management v2.5.1 ("borrowed" from QNAP). I added the IHM option because DSM's old IHM version never supported my 16TB Ironwolfs and then Synology removed IHM so I'd never seen the IHM...
  15. DaveR

    HDD SATA Festplattenbetrug

    I read somewhere a couple of days ago that the scammers are now resetting the FARM history as well as the SMART history.
  16. DaveR

    2025 models

    @ElaCorp Asustor hardware specs are great compared to Synology but the ADM OS is not as good as DSM. For me ADM vs DSM is like comparing Windows XP to Windows 10, or comparing DSM 4 to DSM 7. ADM lacks basic things like a task planner UI or docker UI, it uses busybox instead of bash and there...
  17. DaveR

    Wir brauchen Eure Hilfe beim Aufbau des neuen Wikis

    I've just forked your GitHub tutorial page ;) One interesting surprise was that Github set my fork to default to the English page.
  18. DaveR

    2025 models

    Someone on reddit said they'll be released in May but I have no idea where they got that from.
  19. DaveR

    2025 models

    If we go by the screenshots that were on imnks (and now removed) shows "1 x USB-C (SATA 6 Gbps) for DX525... but that may be a mistake and may be why the imaged was removed. If that screenshot is correct then the USB C port can only be used for the DX525, and is no faster than the previous...
  20. DaveR

    WORM - Speicheraufteilung? Eigenes Volume?

    WriteOnce can only be enabled when creating new shared folders, and once created, shared folders with WORM enabled cannot be converted back to a regular shared folder at any time in the future. See