
  1. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2

    I have explored other options... but I must come back to here to say I really (ove(d) the synology one... I have a lot of domains and the ease of updating them via @QTip app is so easy! I hope this message is read and the spk can be made compatible with DSM7(.1)...
  2. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2

    What container?
  3. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2

    Das stimmt :-)
  4. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2

    Das saugt
  5. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2

    In meien neue synology mit DSM 7.1 Ich kann dieses pakket nicht installieren... Das pakket downloadet und dan kommt ein fehler: Ungültiges Dateiformat Entwickler kontaktieren Ist da ein solution? Bitte:-)
  6. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 1.26-002 and -003 "empty" after last Synology update

    I am afraid to put all names back in ddnsupdater again. I think it can be all lost again after next update... And that sucks because ddnsupdater is a great addon on the synology! I would like a backup (copy config to a share) asap!
  7. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 1.26-002 and -003 "empty" after last Synology update

    Qtip, this was not the first time. I had this before.... and I am not alone. Previous updatrs of dsm more people had this. Rmember me asking few years ago for a "back-up" option :-)?
  8. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 1.26-002 and -003 "empty" after last Synology update

    What do ypu mean qtip? I did not change anything other that the gui... i mean adding my ddns names by gui
  9. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 1.26-002 and -003 "empty" after last Synology update

    these 3 locations all give me a 1k file with no content... How the F### is that possible? It is allways a pain to upgrade my synology and get ddnsupdater working again... and now again... how is this uberhaupt possible? /volume1/@tmp /var/packages/ddnsupdater/target/ /tmp/cache/ddclient...
  10. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 1.26-002 and -003 "empty" after last Synology update

    Always on... rebooted after dsm updates off course. I'll have a look tonight... This is the 3rd time in ddns life time this happens. And it's A LOT of work to fill up alle domains again... I have also seen the native ddns function of synology. Does that provide the same? Also with custom...
  11. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 1.26-002 and -003 "empty" after last Synology update

    I don't dare. Afraid it overwrites all my previous config. How do I backup that?
  12. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 1.26-002 and -003 "empty" after last Synology update

    Try to recereate new update configs? What is that? Do you mean to add my dns names all again? There were about 60! I have DSM 4.3-3810 Udate 4. Latest thus.
  13. S

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 1.26-002 and -003 "empty" after last Synology update

    Hello, I have this problem that since the last Synology firmware update I do not have any config/information left in the DDNS updaterpane. What can be the problem? I have disabled cross-site forgery in security settings.
  14. S

    DDNS Updater Entwicklung & Fehlerbereinigung - Development & bugfixing

    location Hi Qtip, this is the download location: I have rebooted the DS over and over. And cleared the cache multiple times. I have an application called "sabnzb" that uses the 3rdparty stuff for the "sabnzbhelper" I suposse. That...
  15. S

    DDNS Updater Entwicklung & Fehlerbereinigung - Development & bugfixing

    Again only php code Hi QTip, again, I have the trouble with ddnsupdater showing me only php code... I have completely instaled my syno over and followed your exact description in installing 3rd party and 3rd party help (1.5 an 1.1) and the ddnsupdater 1.18... Apart from the problem that I...
  16. S

    DDNS Updater Entwicklung & Fehlerbereinigung - Development & bugfixing

    Update DSM 3.2 final DDNSupdater 1.17 not working anymore Hi, after updating to latest DSM version ddnsupdater v1.17 is not working anymore. The little icon in the top is running round and round and if you click multiple times, multiple icons are showing up.
  17. S

    DDNS Updater Entwicklung & Fehlerbereinigung - Development & bugfixing

    Save/restore Okay, in my best German :-) Ich solte warten mit eine neues version zum installieren bis da eine "save/restore" configuratione taste im program ist. Ich bin nicht gut genug in die linux commando's um es zum back-uppen. So 1.15 ist fur mich die beste versione und 1.16 sollte ich...
  18. S

    DDNS Updater Entwicklung & Fehlerbereinigung - Development & bugfixing

    Official warning! My Syno fully stopped working after v1.16! Be carefull...
  19. S

    DDNS Updater Entwicklung & Fehlerbereinigung - Development & bugfixing

    3rd reaction Sorry to post 3rd reaction so quickly behind last 2. I have uninstalled packege and reinstalled. 1.16. Strated all over... after adding 12th hostname for updating... "loading". Even after stopping and starting service. Think will go back to 1.15. What could this be? I...
  20. S

    DDNS Updater Entwicklung & Fehlerbereinigung - Development & bugfixing

    same "loading" problem Hi Qtip, I have the same loading problem as the French guy. My Syno is in Dutch. Now I have removed ddns updater via package management and reinstalled it... al config is gone now... Is there any change of a "save config" button and a "restore config" button to and...
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