
  1. M

    SPK: MailStation Plus (MailStation add-on)

    I have mailed the SPK in a ZIP file to your address. I have also added the SPK in you German Wiki. Thanks a lot.
  2. M

    SPK: MailStation Plus (MailStation add-on)

    jahlives, As you have seen I use Joomla for my website. The component for downloading is named Phoca Download. Unfortunally I can't configure the use of cookies or not. I never heard of this problem before, but will have a look. I can't add an attachment here, otherwise I would add it for you...
  3. M

    SPK: MailStation Plus (MailStation add-on)

    Hi there, I have been creating a SPK file called MailStation Plus. With this package you can control mail aliases and multiple domeins within DSM. Maybe some people are interested in this package, since they don't want to do anything with SSH and the postfix configuration files. You can...