
  1. L

    DS412+ und Teamspeak 3

    Hi, Compiled 3.0.10 as it comes, doesn't work. Same error as 3.0.8. Here is 3.0.10 with libraries, you can test it if you want :
  2. L

    DS412+ und Teamspeak 3

    Hi Helias00, The weird thing is, my NAS is 100% stock and just a month old... I replaced my old DS 109+ by the end of August. As DS412+ and DS713+ share the same datasheet, except HDD slots, I really can't see what's going wrong :rolleyes:
  3. L

    DS412+ und Teamspeak 3

    Hi ! Here's what I promised : : 3.0.8 : Screen 1 : Screen 2 : What I did : Installed, got Admin token validated, created a channel, edited a channel name. Then I installed my...
  4. L

    DS412+ und Teamspeak 3

    Hi helias00, No, I just did replaced that two files. But, I updated the server from and not tried to install it from scratch. I will upload my two packages ( and 3.0.8) and some screenshot tonight when i'll be back home ;)
  5. L

    DS412+ und Teamspeak 3

    Hi helias00, Sorry to reply in english but, I've translated the whole thread and I only speak english. I've found a way to make server 3.0.8 working, just replace "" and "" from 3.0.8 by the one included in, it works perfectly that way. Tested on my...
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