
  1. F

    Baïkal contacts (CardDAV) and calendar (CardDAV) installation package for Synology

    I'm using Baikal0.2.7 as well. You find the code in your package.tgz and then in /flat/Core/Frameworks/BaikalAdmin/Framework.php. However, the origin of my problem wasn't in this file, but in the settings of my server. Normally, if you try to access a folder like https://mydomain/baikal/admin/...
  2. F

    Baïkal contacts (CardDAV) and calendar (CardDAV) installation package for Synology

    Hey! The same problem occured to me and google directed me to to Pimpa's solution. I t ested it, but it didn't work for me. Instead I changed line 37 in baikal/Core/Frameworks/BaikalAdmin/Framework.php as follows: namespace BaikalAdmin; class Framework extends \Flake\Core\Framework {...
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