
  1. D

    Init_3rdparty Skript und Sammlung von 3rd-Party Erweiterungen

    yes. I tried again and made double sure. After typing the last line "/usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ start" nothing at all happpened, so I don't know? Using 3x 1.5TB harddrives now.. just ordred a fourth in case I need to get my data out for a restore. Luckily I didn't fill it up yet :P
  2. D

    Init_3rdparty Skript und Sammlung von 3rd-Party Erweiterungen

    Yea, should be some english warning :/ The telnet thing didn't work. I just get a warning that it couldn't find the httpd.conf-sys file to start. I have an DS 409+ using DSM 2.2.
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