... habe ich auch schon gemacht = die wollen sich in meine DSM einloggen:
Thank you for the feedback. Please allow us to reply in English.
Could you help us to test this issue via XBMC (
http://xbmc.org/ ) ?
We would like to confirm with that the issue will happen on all DLNA devices or not.
And we will need your permission to get into your system via telnet access and have a closer look at this problem for solving it.
Please help to provide us with the information below so we can access your system.
Remote Access Instructions
1. Please enable the SSH function in Web UI of your Synology NAS . ( [Nework Service] > [Terminal] ).
2. Please confirm with the firewall on DS that do not block the ports we need. ( [Network Service] > [Firewall], you could enable "allow access" on the bottom)
3. Standard Ports we need you to open on your router/firewall : 22, 5000, 80 ( and 5001 if you want HTTPS by default )
( Please see this link on how to forward your ports,
http://forum.synology.com/wiki/index.php/Remote_Access_on_the_Synology_DiskStation )
4. WAN IP Address of your Synology NAS:
( Please go to
http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ to obtain IP information and check if the ports are opened or not )
5. A temporary password for admin account of your Synology NAS. (We need "admin" account, not admin-equal account)
6. Any other information/account/password/IP ..etc, which is related to your problem.
Please also provide the information on which folder, which files that don't show up.
We would like to check with the indexed database.
Hope this helps.
Sincerely, Persey Chen
... ich wollte das nicht - vielleicht dürfen die ja bei Dir mal reinschauen?!