%s:%d parameter error: szReport is NULL
%s:%d Curl unknown library error (%d)
%s:%d HTTP unknown response code (%lu)
Failed to resolve IP address of DDNS server, please check if network is ok
Failed to connect server
Authentication failed
The format of hostname is not correct
The hostname specified does not exist.
The hostname specified is blocked for update abuse.
Server is broken.
DDNS function needs to be modified, please contact to Synology Support.
(%s:%d:%s)html document exceed %d bytes : html=%s
(%s:%d:%s)failed to strdup html = %s, errno=%s
(%s:%d:%s)failed to find ':' at %s, errno=%s
(%s:%d:%s)failed to find first digit of IP: %s
(%s:%d:%s)failed to allocate space for parsing IP, errno=%s
(%s:%d:%s)failed to parse correct IP: %s
Query type and response type is not match (qtype=%d, type=%d)(%s,%d)
hostname is not match (host.h_name=%s, bp=%s)(%s,%d)
size (%d) too big (%s,%d)
Too many addresses (%d) (%s,%d)
Get no response from res_query (%s,%d)
host is NULL
hs->h_addr is NULL
Failed to parse response from res_query: %s(%s,%d)
(%s:%d:%s) Parameter error
(%s:%d:%s)failed to init curl
%s:%d failed to set req=%s return value=%d
%s:%d failed to set req=%s, agent=%s, return value=%d
Host: %s
%s:%d failed to set req=%s, header=%s, return value=%d
%s:%d failed to set time-out, return value=%d
%s:%d failed to write function WriteMemoryCallback, return value=%d
%s:%d failed to write data, return value=%d
%s:%d failed to make http connection, return value=%d
%s:%d Failed to set '%s = %s' into file /var/tmp/ddns.status
%s:%d Module is not exist, path=%s
%s:%d Failed to chmod, path=%s, errno=%s
%s %s %s %s
%s:%d Failed to encode param for %s
%s %s
%s:%d Failed to popen(%s), reason=%s
%s:%d failed to fgets from popen(%s), reason=%s
Synology DDNS Updater/%s support@synology.com
%s:%d Failed to get DDNS provider config: name = %s
%s:%d Cannot allocate hash.
%s(%d) Failed to set external IP = %s, syno_errno=[%X]
(%s:%d:%s)failed to set url=%s, return value=%d
(%s:%d:%s)failed to set time-out, return value=%d
(%s:%d:%s)failed to write function WriteMemoryCallback, return value=%d
(%s:%d:%s)failed to write data, return value=%d
(%s:%d:%s)failed to parse html for IP, buffer.data=%s
(%s:%d:%s)failed to make http connection, response=%lu
(%s:%d:%s)failed to make http connection, return value=%d
(%s:%d:%s)failed to get external IP from %s, return value=%d, http response=%lu
%s(%d) : Failed to set External IP = %s
(%s:%d)DDNS update IP change: last update IP=%s, new IP=%s
(%s:%d)Expire!! Cost=%d, Limit=%d
(%s:%d)Not Expire!! Cost=%d, Limit=%d
%s:%d Failed to get DDNS config: name = %s
%s:%d DDNS config change: name=%s, hostname=%s
(%s:%d) %s already exists
(%s:%d) Failed to open %s, errno=[%d/%s]
Terminate DDNS daemon (%s:%d)
external IP = %s
%s(%s:%d): not support DDNS, shutdown daemon
%s(%s:%d): not enable DDNS, shutdown daemon
%s(%s:%d): unable to daemonize
%s(%s:%d): %s already exists. If no other instance running, delete and try again
%s(%s:%d): Failed to load DDNS config, syno_errno=[%X]
(%s:%d)DDNS: sleep %d seconds