HDD SATA Ein paar Fragen zu Synology_HDD_db



Mitglied seit
19. Feb 2016
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In diesem Thread habe ich mich ein paar Mal OT gemeldet bzgl Synology_HDD_db und der Nutzung von inkompatiblen HDDs.

Thema ist dort aber M2 support. Deshalb dieser Thread:

1) So wie ich verstehe kann man eine DS3622xs+ schon initial mit einer unsupporteten HDD aufsetzen. Man bekommt dann eben erst einmal die nervigen Meldungen. Diese verschwinden aber wenn man dann das Script aufruft. Verstehe ich das richtig?

2) Man soll ja das Script beim Booten automatisch laufen lassen sowie nach einem DSM Update manuell. Ist es nicht besser das Script automatisch einmal pro Tag laufen zu lassen oder ist das Overkill?

3) Das Repo ist bald 3000 Mal gestared. Synology wird es definitiv kennen. Dadurch gehen Synology ja $ durch die Lappen. Wenn die deshalb den Kompatibilitätscheck in einer zukünftigen DSM Version ändern wird man wieder von den Warnungen genervt. Die Frage ist jetzt
1) Wie gross ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass das passiert?
2) Was macht man dann?
a) Darauf warten dass jemand der neuen Kompatibilitätscheck Code reverse engineered wie @DaveR es schon erfolgreich getan hat?
b) Mit den Warnungen leben? Geht das überhaupt?
c) ?

Hintergrund meiner Fragen ist dass sich jemand eine DS3622xs+ kaufen will und die soll natürlich die nächsten zig Jahre auch weiterhin mit nicht kompatiblen HDDs betrieben werden.


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Mitglied seit
30. Dez 2012
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1. Nein, soweit ich weiß, muss erst das Sript laufen, sonst kannst du keinen Speicherpool erstellen.
2. Ich habe es beim Hoch und Runterfahren laufen, das hat bisher immer gereicht.
3.1. Glaskugel, läuft seit über 3 Jahren, wieso sollten die jetzt eingreifen?
3.2.a Auf ein Update des Scriptes warten
3.2.b Wird bei der DS3622xs+ nicht funktionieren, siehe Punkt 1.

Hintergrund, ist das privat oder geschäftlich???
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Reaktionen: dil88 und framp


Mitglied seit
19. Feb 2016
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Ist privat.
3.2.b Wird bei der DS3622xs+ nicht funktionieren, siehe Punkt 1.
D.h. man muss erst einmal zwei kompatible Platten einbauen (RAID1) damit man das DSM installieren kann. Dann das Script laufen lassen und kann dann Speicherpools auf den nicht kompatiblen Platten erstellen? Mir war nicht bewusst dass man auch keine Storage Pools erstellen kann solange die Platten nicht als kompatibel in der DB gekennzeichnet sind :(
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


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Mitglied seit
30. Dez 2012
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Guter Einwand, ich kenne die DS3622xs+ nur vom lesen hier, hatte noch keine im Zugriff.
Da werde ich was verwechselt haben, vielleicht kann @DaveR was dazu sagen:
Is it possible to setup a Storage pool on a 3622xs+ with non Synology HDDs???


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Mitglied seit
30. Mrz 2022
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Is it possible to setup a Storage pool on a 3622xs+ with non Synology HDDs???
Yes, in DSM 7.1 or later.

DSM 7.0 was a lot more aggressive against unsupported 3rd party drives and you could not create a storage pool with 3rd party drives, or migrate 3rd party drives. But there 3rd party drives still listed as compatible back then.

Due to the backlash Synology backed off the restrictions in DSM 7.1.

That means you first have to install two compatible disks (RAID1) so that you can install the DSM.
You would only need 1 compatible drive.

You are supposed to run the script automatically when booting and manually after a DSM update.
You only need to run the script manually after a DSM update if you don't have it scheduled to run at boot.

Isn't it better to run the script automatically once a day or is that overkill?
Definitely overkill. Though it wouldn't hurt anything.

The repo has been started almost 3000 times. Synology will definitely know about it. That means Synology is missing out on $.
I think the more important metric is that the repo's readme page has been viewed 320,000 times, and averages 500 views per day.

But I like to think of this way:
  1. The people using the script were never going to buy Synology's overpriced drives anyway so Synology aren't missing out on drive sales.
  2. Synology are selling more high-end NAS to people who would have bought a different brand if they had to buy Synology drives.
A Synology rep (I won't say who) once told me that they recommend syn_hdd_db to customers to close a sale. I imagine these are businesses who want to use their existing drives or buy drives from a partner that they get discounts from. Selling multiple overpriced high-end NAS to a business is better than losing the sale over drive restrictions.

If they change the compatibility check in a future DSM version because of this, you will be annoyed by the warnings again. The question now is
1) How likely is that this will happen?
2) What do you do then?
a) Wait for someone to reverse engineer the new compatibility check code like @@DaveR has already done successfully?
b) Live with the warnings? Is that even possible?
Synology have changed the drive database, and other things, multiple times since I first wrote the script (which annoys me, but gives me something to do).

Because I always wait a week before installing a new DSM update it may take me 2 or 3 weeks to find what's changed and release an updated to the script. In the meantime you just put up with the warnings - or don't update until the script has been updated.


Mitglied seit
19. Feb 2016
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Thank you very much for your detailed answer. Sorry you had to xlate my German questions first to be able to understand my post. I promise: Next time I have a question about your nice tool I write my post in English :)

You would only need 1 compatible drive.
I thought it's safer from an availability point of view to use a RADI1 for the DSM instead of one disk only. If the single disk fails the system doesn't boot any more- it's a single point of failure :(

But this leads to another question: You wrote it's possible to create storage pools with non compatible disks. Great. But do I need at least one compatible disk in order to install DSM and then run your script to make the incompatible disks compatible and then can create storage pools with non compatible HDDs? Sounds to me it's required because DSM can only installed on compatible HDDs.
I imagine these are businesses who want to use their existing drives or buy drives from a partner that they get discounts from. Selling multiple overpriced high-end NAS to a business is better than losing the sale over drive restrictions.
That makes perfect sense.
I think the more important metric is that the repo's readme page has been viewed 320,000 times, and averages 500 views per day.
These statistics only you can see as the repo owner so I used the stars to estimate the popularity of your repo :)


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Mitglied seit
30. Mrz 2022
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I thought it's safer from an availability point of view to use a RADI1 for the DSM instead of one disk only. If the single disk fails the system doesn't boot any more- it's a single point of failure :(
DSM gets mirrored as RAID 1 across all internal HDDs and 2.5 inch SSDs. You could pull all drives except 1 (any 1) and still access the DSM webui and access DSM via SSH (but your data would gone!).

But this leads to another question: You wrote it's possible to create storage pools with non compatible disks. Great. But do I need at least one compatible disk in order to install DSM and then run your script to make the incompatible disks compatible and then can create storage pools with non compatible HDDs? Sounds to me it's required because DSM can only installed on compatible HDDs.
With any DSM version, except 7.0, you just insert any brand drives, install DSM and setup the NAS, then run syno_hdd_db to get rid of the unverified drive warnings.

So there's no need for a compatible drive (except for DSM 7.0).

These statistics only you can see as the repo owner so I used the stars to estimate the popularity of your repo :)
Anyone can see them.


Mitglied seit
19. Feb 2016
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So there's no need for a compatible drive (except for DSM 7.0).
Ok. I thought Synology requires compatible disks for a DSM installation. But given there seem to be customers who insist to use non compatible disks they can't do this.

I missed your colored header in your repo. Congrats to committer rank #13 (y)



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