Hallo zusammen,
ich habe ein Problem mit Fuppes 578 und der Zusammenarbeit mit
Lame auf der DS209. Obwohl ich LAME installiert habe erkennt Fuppes
LAME nicht. Wer kennt die Lösung des Problems ?
Vielen Dank schon jetzt !
Nachfolgend die installierten Packete und
darunter ein Auszug aus der WEBUI von Fuppes.
Packages Package I-Ver P-Ver Comment
delete bash 3.2.49-1 3.2.49-1 A bourne style shell
delete e2fslibs 1.41.9-1 1.41.9-1 Ext2 Filesystem Libraries
delete ffmpeg 0.svn20080409-2 0.svn20080409-2 FFmpeg is an audio/video conversion tool.
delete fuppes SVN-578-1 SVN-578-1 FUPPES is a free, multiplatform UPnP (TM) A/V MediaServer, with optional on-the-fly audio transcondig from ogg/vorbis, mpc/muse
delete lame 3.98.4-1 3.98.4-1 LAME is an LGPL MP3 encoder.
delete libdlna 0.2.3-2 0.2.3-2 Reference DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) open-source implementation for Linux.
delete libmpcdec 1.2.6-1 1.2.6-1 Portable Musepack decoder library.
delete libstdc++ 6.0.9-6 6.0.9-6 Standard C++ library, needed for dynamically linked C++ programs
delete libxml2 2.7.7-1 2.7.7-1 Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project.
delete libxml2 2.7.7-1 2.7.7-1 Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project.
delete ncurses 5.7-1 5.7-1 NCurses libraries delete openssl 0.9.8o-1 0.9.8o-1 Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcrypto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
delete pcre 8.10-1 8.10-1 Perl-compatible regular expression library
delete readline 6.1-2 6.1-2 The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are
delete sqlite 3.7.1-1 3.7.1-1 SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.
delete taglib 1.6.3-1 1.6.3-1 A library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats.
delete wget 1.12-2 1.12-2 A network utility to retrieve files from the Web delete zlib 1.2.5-1 1.2.5-1 zlib is a library implementing the 'deflate'
compression system.
database status Type Count object.container.storageFolder 1...
object.container.playlistContainer 239 object.item.imageItem 1...
object.item.audioItem 19650 object.item.videoItem 7
transcoding Neither LAME nor TwoLame found.
Transcoding disabled!
build options option enabled
iconv true uuid true
taglib true imageMagick false
libavformat (ffmpeg) true video transcoding (experimental) false lame false twolame false ogg/vorbis false musepack false flac false flac false system status UUID: cddb1d7a-50c5-4632-a846-934d982be2f6 device settings device: default release delay 4 file settings ext: asf dlna mime/type video/x-ms-asf upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: avi dlna mime/type video/x-msvideo upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: bmp dlna mime/type image/bmp upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: flac dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: flv dlna mime/type application/x-flash-video upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: gif dlna mime/type image/gif upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: jpeg dlna mime/type image/jpeg upnp type object.item.imageItem resize height 0 width 0 greater false less false ext: jpg dlna mime/type image/jpeg upnp type object.item.imageItem resize height 0 width 0 greater false less false ext: m3u dlna mime/type audio/x-mpegurl upnp type object.container.playlistContainer no transcoding/resizing ext: mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mp4 dlna mime/type video/mp4 upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mpc dlna MP3 mime/type application/octet-stream upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: mpeg dlna mime/type video/mpeg upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mpg dlna mime/type video/mpeg upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: ogg dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: pls dlna mime/type audio/x-scpls upnp type object.container.playlistContainer no transcoding/resizing ext: png dlna mime/type image/png upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: vdr dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob upnp type object.item.videoItem transcode ext vob dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob release delay -1 ext: vob dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wav dlna mime/type audio/x-wav upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wma dlna WMAFULL mime/type audio/x-ms-wma upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wmv dlna mime/type video/x-ms-wmv upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing device: PS3 release delay 50 file settings ext: asf dlna mime/type video/x-ms-asf upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: avi dlna mime/type video/x-msvideo upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: bmp dlna mime/type image/bmp upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: flac dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: flv dlna mime/type application/x-flash-video upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: gif dlna mime/type image/gif upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: jpeg dlna mime/type image/jpeg upnp type object.item.imageItem resize height 0 width 0 greater false less false ext: jpg dlna mime/type image/jpeg upnp type object.item.imageItem resize height 0 width 0 greater false less false ext: m3u dlna mime/type audio/x-mpegurl upnp type object.container.playlistContainer no transcoding/resizing ext: mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mp4 dlna mime/type video/mp4 upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mpc dlna MP3 mime/type application/octet-stream upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: mpeg dlna mime/type video/mpeg upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mpg dlna mime/type video/mpeg upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: ogg dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem.musicTrack transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: pls dlna mime/type audio/x-scpls upnp type object.container.playlistContainer no transcoding/resizing ext: png dlna mime/type image/png upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: vdr dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob upnp type object.item.videoItem transcode ext vob dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob release delay -1 ext: vob dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wav dlna mime/type audio/x-wav upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wma dlna WMAFULL mime/type audio/x-ms-wma upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wmv dlna mime/type video/x-ms-wmv upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing
ich habe ein Problem mit Fuppes 578 und der Zusammenarbeit mit
Lame auf der DS209. Obwohl ich LAME installiert habe erkennt Fuppes
LAME nicht. Wer kennt die Lösung des Problems ?
Vielen Dank schon jetzt !
Nachfolgend die installierten Packete und
darunter ein Auszug aus der WEBUI von Fuppes.
Packages Package I-Ver P-Ver Comment
delete bash 3.2.49-1 3.2.49-1 A bourne style shell
delete e2fslibs 1.41.9-1 1.41.9-1 Ext2 Filesystem Libraries
delete ffmpeg 0.svn20080409-2 0.svn20080409-2 FFmpeg is an audio/video conversion tool.
delete fuppes SVN-578-1 SVN-578-1 FUPPES is a free, multiplatform UPnP (TM) A/V MediaServer, with optional on-the-fly audio transcondig from ogg/vorbis, mpc/muse
delete lame 3.98.4-1 3.98.4-1 LAME is an LGPL MP3 encoder.
delete libdlna 0.2.3-2 0.2.3-2 Reference DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) open-source implementation for Linux.
delete libmpcdec 1.2.6-1 1.2.6-1 Portable Musepack decoder library.
delete libstdc++ 6.0.9-6 6.0.9-6 Standard C++ library, needed for dynamically linked C++ programs
delete libxml2 2.7.7-1 2.7.7-1 Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project.
delete libxml2 2.7.7-1 2.7.7-1 Libxml2 is the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project.
delete ncurses 5.7-1 5.7-1 NCurses libraries delete openssl 0.9.8o-1 0.9.8o-1 Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcrypto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
delete pcre 8.10-1 8.10-1 Perl-compatible regular expression library
delete readline 6.1-2 6.1-2 The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are
delete sqlite 3.7.1-1 3.7.1-1 SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.
delete taglib 1.6.3-1 1.6.3-1 A library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats.
delete wget 1.12-2 1.12-2 A network utility to retrieve files from the Web delete zlib 1.2.5-1 1.2.5-1 zlib is a library implementing the 'deflate'
compression system.
database status Type Count object.container.storageFolder 1...
object.container.playlistContainer 239 object.item.imageItem 1...
object.item.audioItem 19650 object.item.videoItem 7
transcoding Neither LAME nor TwoLame found.
Transcoding disabled!
build options option enabled
iconv true uuid true
taglib true imageMagick false
libavformat (ffmpeg) true video transcoding (experimental) false lame false twolame false ogg/vorbis false musepack false flac false flac false system status UUID: cddb1d7a-50c5-4632-a846-934d982be2f6 device settings device: default release delay 4 file settings ext: asf dlna mime/type video/x-ms-asf upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: avi dlna mime/type video/x-msvideo upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: bmp dlna mime/type image/bmp upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: flac dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: flv dlna mime/type application/x-flash-video upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: gif dlna mime/type image/gif upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: jpeg dlna mime/type image/jpeg upnp type object.item.imageItem resize height 0 width 0 greater false less false ext: jpg dlna mime/type image/jpeg upnp type object.item.imageItem resize height 0 width 0 greater false less false ext: m3u dlna mime/type audio/x-mpegurl upnp type object.container.playlistContainer no transcoding/resizing ext: mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mp4 dlna mime/type video/mp4 upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mpc dlna MP3 mime/type application/octet-stream upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: mpeg dlna mime/type video/mpeg upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mpg dlna mime/type video/mpeg upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: ogg dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: pls dlna mime/type audio/x-scpls upnp type object.container.playlistContainer no transcoding/resizing ext: png dlna mime/type image/png upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: vdr dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob upnp type object.item.videoItem transcode ext vob dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob release delay -1 ext: vob dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wav dlna mime/type audio/x-wav upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wma dlna WMAFULL mime/type audio/x-ms-wma upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wmv dlna mime/type video/x-ms-wmv upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing device: PS3 release delay 50 file settings ext: asf dlna mime/type video/x-ms-asf upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: avi dlna mime/type video/x-msvideo upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: bmp dlna mime/type image/bmp upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: flac dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: flv dlna mime/type application/x-flash-video upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: gif dlna mime/type image/gif upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: jpeg dlna mime/type image/jpeg upnp type object.item.imageItem resize height 0 width 0 greater false less false ext: jpg dlna mime/type image/jpeg upnp type object.item.imageItem resize height 0 width 0 greater false less false ext: m3u dlna mime/type audio/x-mpegurl upnp type object.container.playlistContainer no transcoding/resizing ext: mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mp4 dlna mime/type video/mp4 upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mpc dlna MP3 mime/type application/octet-stream upnp type object.item.audioItem transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: mpeg dlna mime/type video/mpeg upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: mpg dlna mime/type video/mpeg upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: ogg dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg upnp type object.item.audioItem.musicTrack transcode ext mp3 dlna MP3 mime/type audio/mpeg release delay -1 ext: pls dlna mime/type audio/x-scpls upnp type object.container.playlistContainer no transcoding/resizing ext: png dlna mime/type image/png upnp type object.item.imageItem no transcoding/resizing ext: vdr dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob upnp type object.item.videoItem transcode ext vob dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob release delay -1 ext: vob dlna mime/type video/x-ms-vob upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wav dlna mime/type audio/x-wav upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wma dlna WMAFULL mime/type audio/x-ms-wma upnp type object.item.audioItem no transcoding/resizing ext: wmv dlna mime/type video/x-ms-wmv upnp type object.item.videoItem no transcoding/resizing