Hallo alle,
ich würde gerne Groupoffice auf meiner DS installieren. Habe mir dazu das aktuelle Paket heruntergeladen, und nach /volume2/web/office entpackt. Nach Aufruf der Seite gibt es viele Warnungen/Errors, so dass ich zunächst einmal nicht einfach weitermachen möchte. Hier die Liste:
Operating System: OK
Web server: OK
Expose PHP: OK
PHP version: OK
Output buffering: OK
mbstring function overloading: OK
Magic quotes setting: OK
MySQL support: OK
PDO support: OK
Mcrypt support: Warning: No Mcrypt extension for PHP found. Without mcrypt Group-Office has to save e-mail passwords in plain text.
GD support: OK
pspell support: Warning: No pspell extension for PHP found. The spellchecker in the e-mail composer won't work.
File upload support: OK
File upload size: Warning: The upload_max_filesize php.ini value is lower than 20MB (32M). We recommend to settings this to at least 20MB
Safe mode: OK
Open base_dir: Warning: open_basedir is enabled. This may cause trouble with the filesystem module and Synchronization.
Register globals: OK
zlib compression: OK
Calendar functions: OK
Memory limit: OK
Error logging: Warning: PHP error logging is disabled in php.ini. It's recommended that this feature is enabled in a production environment.
libwbxml: Warning: libwbxml2 is not installed. SyncML sync will not work!
DOM functions: OK
MultiByte string functions: OK
TAR Compression: Warning: tar is not installed or not executable.
ZIP Compression: Warning: zip is not installed or not executable. Unpacking zip archives and using document templates for Microsoft Word and Open-Office.org won't be possible.
TNEF: Warning: tnef is not installed or not executable. you can't view winmail.dat attachments in the email module.
Ioncube: Warning: Ioncube is not installed. The professional modules will not be enabled.
JSON functions: OK
zend.ze1_compatibility_mode: OK
CalDAV alias: Note: The alias /caldav was not detected. Please create: Alias /caldav /groupoffice/modules/caldav/calendar.php.
CalDAV autodiscovery: Note: The redirect /.well-known/caldav was not detected. Please create a redirect: Redirect 301 /.well-known/caldav /caldav
CardDAV alias: Note: The alias /carddav was not detected. Please create: Alias /carddav /groupoffice/modules/carddav/addressbook.php.
CardDAV autodiscovery: Note: The redirect /.well-known/carddav was not detected. Please create a redirect: Redirect 301 /.well-known/carddav /carddav
Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync alias: Note: The alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync was not detected. Please create: Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /groupoffice/modules/z-push21/index.php.
Shared Memory Functions: InterProcessData::InitSharedMem(): PHP libraries for the use shared memory are not available. Z-push will work unreliably!
Process Control Extensions: OK
Writable license file: OK
Passed! Group-Office should run on this machine
Kann ich einfach weitermachen, oder welche Fehler/Warnungen sollten wie beseitigt werden ?
Weitere Frage:
Gibt es vielleicht ein fertiges Paket von Groupoffice für die DS ???
Danke für Eure Infos
ich würde gerne Groupoffice auf meiner DS installieren. Habe mir dazu das aktuelle Paket heruntergeladen, und nach /volume2/web/office entpackt. Nach Aufruf der Seite gibt es viele Warnungen/Errors, so dass ich zunächst einmal nicht einfach weitermachen möchte. Hier die Liste:
Operating System: OK
Web server: OK
Expose PHP: OK
PHP version: OK
Output buffering: OK
mbstring function overloading: OK
Magic quotes setting: OK
MySQL support: OK
PDO support: OK
Mcrypt support: Warning: No Mcrypt extension for PHP found. Without mcrypt Group-Office has to save e-mail passwords in plain text.
GD support: OK
pspell support: Warning: No pspell extension for PHP found. The spellchecker in the e-mail composer won't work.
File upload support: OK
File upload size: Warning: The upload_max_filesize php.ini value is lower than 20MB (32M). We recommend to settings this to at least 20MB
Safe mode: OK
Open base_dir: Warning: open_basedir is enabled. This may cause trouble with the filesystem module and Synchronization.
Register globals: OK
zlib compression: OK
Calendar functions: OK
Memory limit: OK
Error logging: Warning: PHP error logging is disabled in php.ini. It's recommended that this feature is enabled in a production environment.
libwbxml: Warning: libwbxml2 is not installed. SyncML sync will not work!
DOM functions: OK
MultiByte string functions: OK
TAR Compression: Warning: tar is not installed or not executable.
ZIP Compression: Warning: zip is not installed or not executable. Unpacking zip archives and using document templates for Microsoft Word and Open-Office.org won't be possible.
TNEF: Warning: tnef is not installed or not executable. you can't view winmail.dat attachments in the email module.
Ioncube: Warning: Ioncube is not installed. The professional modules will not be enabled.
JSON functions: OK
zend.ze1_compatibility_mode: OK
CalDAV alias: Note: The alias /caldav was not detected. Please create: Alias /caldav /groupoffice/modules/caldav/calendar.php.
CalDAV autodiscovery: Note: The redirect /.well-known/caldav was not detected. Please create a redirect: Redirect 301 /.well-known/caldav /caldav
CardDAV alias: Note: The alias /carddav was not detected. Please create: Alias /carddav /groupoffice/modules/carddav/addressbook.php.
CardDAV autodiscovery: Note: The redirect /.well-known/carddav was not detected. Please create a redirect: Redirect 301 /.well-known/carddav /carddav
Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync alias: Note: The alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync was not detected. Please create: Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /groupoffice/modules/z-push21/index.php.
Shared Memory Functions: InterProcessData::InitSharedMem(): PHP libraries for the use shared memory are not available. Z-push will work unreliably!
Process Control Extensions: OK
Writable license file: OK
Passed! Group-Office should run on this machine
Kann ich einfach weitermachen, oder welche Fehler/Warnungen sollten wie beseitigt werden ?
Weitere Frage:
Gibt es vielleicht ein fertiges Paket von Groupoffice für die DS ???
Danke für Eure Infos