Hyper Backup .hbk folder download from Cloud


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27. Okt 2021
Punkte für Reaktionen
Hello everyone,

is it possible to download the entire bucket or .hbk folder from a cloud? Let's say your NAS is not working anymore and you have all your data backed up via Hyper Backup on a cloud server. It seem like that not all cloud providers offer a download option just for the entire bucket or .hbk folder, meaning: If my NAS is not working anymore I have to buy a new NAS in order to restore the data or did I miss something?

If my NAS is not working anymore I thought the easiest way would be to download the .hbk folder and open it via the Hyper Backup Explorer to restore my Data.

Hope you have some tips for me.

Have a good day and stay safe and healthy.



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