Business Neu ABfB Version: 2.3.0-12153


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Mitglied seit
05. Mrz 2013
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Diese Version hat ein paar interessante Neuigkeiten:
Unterstützung von Windows 11
Mit DSM 7.1 Backup von DSM
Aufwecken von Windows für Backup

Alles weitere, siehe hier:

Version: 2.3.0-12153

What's new

    Added support for DSM Backup. (Only available in DSM 7.1 Beta)
    Supports selecting Peta Volumes as the backup destination.
    Added support for Windows 11.
    Supports controlling the bandwidth consumption for each PC and physical server task and throttling the bandwidth of all PC and physical server tasks.
    Supports sending activity reports to multiple email addresses.
    Supports exporting logs, task history, and detailed activity information into .csv files.
    Supports sending logs to a syslog server.
    Supports waking Windows devices from sleep to perform scheduled backups.
    Supports preventing Windows devices from entering sleep when backing up.
    Supports shutting down Windows devices after scheduled backup tasks are done.
    Adjusted the backup window behavior, which will pause backup tasks instead of cancelling them.

Fixed Issues (General Issues)

    Fixed a security vulnerability regarding hivex (CVE-2021-3504).
    Fixed an issue where relinking might fail if the data of deleted file server tasks were still in the storage.
    Fixed an issue where users couldn't create tasks if there were only file server tasks when they updated the package.
    Modified the memory usage measurement to make sure that the maximum number of devices can be backed up concurrently.
    Fixed an issue where the task status was incorrect when deleting backup tasks or versions.
    Fixed an issue where some user interface text wasn't displayed correctly.
    Fixed an issue where backup tasks might fail if there were duplicate backup folders due to the daylight saving time.

Fixed Issues (Virtual Machines)

    Fixed an issue where backup tasks might fail if there were too many snapshots of Hpyer-V Replica.
    Fixed an issue where restoring virtual machines to a free ESXi server might fail.
    Fixed an issue where creating a virtual machine backup tasks might fail when selecting the backup destination.
    Fixed an issue where VMware backup tasks might fail when the system falsely detected PCI Passthrough devices.

Fixed Issues (Servers and Workstations)

    Fixed an issue where Windows Server 2008 R2 couldn't start up when restored in VMware.


    Selecting the 'photo' shared folder as the backup destination for file server tasks is not supported.
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