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Mitglied seit
15. Jan 2015
Punkte für Reaktionen
Hallo zusammen,

ich brauche mal eure Hilfe. Ich möchte gerne auf meinem Synology ein OpenSource Programm Names "opentimetool" installieren.
Und ich bekomme es nicht hin, dies zum laufen zu bringen. MySQL habe ich angelegt und die Dateien in einen Ordner unter "web" gelegt.


Hier mal die Anleitung:

- Installierter mysql Server (>4,1), Apache und php (>5.0)
- Sie sollten z.B. http://localhost in Ihrem Webbrowser öffnen können
- Einspielen der mysql.sql in Ihre MySQL-Datenbank
- Passen Sie die config.php entsprechend an, alle zu ändernden Werte
sind in dieser Datei (config.php) beschrieben.
* Bitte beachten Sie bei Ihrer PHP-Konfiguration:
Wenn Sie die Suhosin Erweiterung (Hardened PHP) benutzen, funktioniert der
Export nach OpenOffice nur, wenn Sie die Session-Encryption deaktivieren:
setzen Sie in Ihrer php-Initdatei (z.B.
/etc/php/apache2-php5/ext-active/suhosin.ini) die Zeile
"suhosin.session.encrypt = Off"
Desweiteren gibt es Einschränkungen bei Safemode=On. Siehe README dafür.
- Erstellen Sie für jede Sprache die Sie in openTimetool verwenden wollen einen
"symbolic link" auf das htdocs-Verzeichnis, auch für englisch!
Sie müssen im Verzeichnis "htdocs" einen "symbolic link" auf das htdocs-Verzeichnis
mit der jeweils benötigten Sprache anlegen (am besten machen Sie das gleich für alle
cd </in/ihr/openTimetool>/htdocs
ln -s . de (symbolic link für deutsch)
ln -s . en (symbolic link für englisch)
Damit wird sichergestellt, dass jede Sprache Ihren eindeutigen Pfad erhält.
Achtung: Sie müssen die Option "FollowSymLinks" in Ihrer Apache Konfiguration
aktiviert haben!
- Der Webserver Prozess benötigt jetzt noch Lese- und Schreibrechte für das
htdocs/tmp Verzeichnis,
chmod a+w tmp

Damit sollte die Installation abgeschlossen und openTimetool zum Einsatz bereit

Nach erfolgreicher Installation von openTimetool können Sie folgende
Zugangsdaten für die erste Anmeldung verwenden
Username: root
Passwort: root
Dieser Benutzer ist ein "admin" (Administrator). Zum Anlegen neuer Benutzer,
Projekte, Tätigkeiten, usw. benötigen Sie Administrator-Rechte.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Mitglied seit
15. Jan 2015
Punkte für Reaktionen
Und hier die config.php

	*  $Id
	*  Configure your openTimetool here

    /** Try this if openTimetool dont work and you are using a reverse proxy and SSL ... */
    #if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST"]))
    #if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]))
    #if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER"]))
    #$_SERVER["HTTPS"] = 'on';
    #$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] = 443;

    // AK : Just for documentation. That is builtin php stuff 
   if (class_exists("stdClass")) $config = new stdClass();

	  * Don't change ! It's the current version !
    $config->applVersion = '2.3.4';
    $config->applName = 'openTimetool'.$config->applVersion;
    $config->schema_version = '2.3.3';
    * AK the link behind the logo on the upper right ...
    * @var string the logo url
    $config->logourl = '';
    * AK : maxmimum number of users allowed for this installation
    * @var integer number of allowed users 
    $config->numUsers = 999;
    * AK : session timeout = auto logout
    * @var integer number in seconds
    $config->sessionTimeout = 8*60*60;  // expire after 8 hours -> you need to change session.gc_maxlifetime accordingly
    ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime',$config->sessionTimeout);  // overwriting option from php.ini
    * Where to find the includes. Includes are all the external 
    * classes and libraries, such as PEAR-packages etc.
	  * @var string the include path 
    $config->includePath = dirname(__FILE__).'/includes';
   	 * Some php related stuff overwriting options from php.ini
    // this message comes up because we store our session-vars in the global space :-(
    // set it to 0 when you have a productive system
    * We need that for php 5.3 to avoid the huge amount of deprecated warnings
    * They will be worked on in future to get rid of them in a good way
    * Some are gone already by the way ...
    if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.3.0') >= 0)
        $php = "5.3"; // or higher
		error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT);
        $php = "5.2";		// or lower
		error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
    date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin');  // php5.3 needs that in any case !!
    $config->php = $php;

    * The DB DSN, as needed for PEAR::DB.
    * @var string the DB connection parameters
    $config->dbDSN = 'mysql://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@localhost/opentimetool';
    * This is the path to html2pdf, this application is needed
    * when you want to export your timesheets to pdf.
    * @var string the path to html2pdf
    * $config->html2pdf = '/usr/local/bin/html2pdf $1 $2';
    * There are many tools/scripts around for that purpose.
    * On OpenSuse 10 I'm using that (current adjustment):
    * $config->html2pdf = '/usr/bin/htmldoc --webpage $1 -f $2';
    * There is a GPL class now in place which does a very rough pdf conversion
    * Just put a comment before the html2pdf line to activate that feature.
    * Needs still some parameter tweaking though 
    * AND you'll need 
    * '/usr/bin/html2ps'
    * '/usr/bin/ps2pdf' 
    * instead that converter below .... 
    * It's more likely that you have these 2 ;-) ... 
    * Uncomment the following 2 lines if the pathes are different ,,, 
    * $config->$html2psPath = '/usr/bin/html2ps';
    * $config->$ps2pdfPath = '/usr/bin/ps2pdf';
    $config->html2pdf = '/usr/bin/htmldoc --webpage $1 -f $2';

	* Seperator 4 csv-Export 
	$config->seperator = ';';

    * Compressed presentation of team members to overcome
	* possible performance problems if there are many projects
  	* and users
  	* We have 4 compression levels:
  	* 0 = uncompressed (like before)
  	* 1 = 2 icons with list : managers, members
  	* 2 = 1 icon and one list with name suffix [PM] for projectmanagers (icon depends on permissions)
  	* 3 = same as 2 with no icon at all; the spartanic mode; even the folder icon is gone ...
	$config->teamcompressed = 2;
    * Email header adjustment
//    $config->mailAdditionalHeaders = "From: openTimetool System <>\r\n";
//    $config->mailAdditionalParameters = "";

	 * Sorting on "Overview by Project
	 * 0 : as before 
	 * 1 : sorted by parent, end date and project name
	 * 2 : sorted strictly by end date and name
	 * Choose witch one fits your needs best
	$config->project_overview_sort = 0; // as before, the default 
	//$config->project_overview_sort = 1; // by parent, end date and name 
	//$config->project_overview_sort = 2; // strictly by end date and name

    * If there are additional things that need to be included, 
    * define the paths here. 
    * AK: for instance the path to your PEAR directory
    * @var string 
    $config->includePath        = $config->includePath.":/usr/share/php5/PEAR";

    * The various authentication parameters. This application can also
    * use an authentication against different external sources. 
    * The following authentication methods are tested
    * Authentication against openTimetool DB - standard 
    $config->auth->method       =   'DB';
    $config->auth->url          =   $config->dbDSN;
    $config->auth->digest       =   'md5';
    $config->auth->savePwd      =   true;    // password fields shown

    * Authentication against LDAP 
    * - mixed LDAP and NON LDAP accounts are possible
    * - user creation on the fly of a properly authenticated LDAP user during first login
    *   (user gets an unknown generated password; after switching to DB auth again he can't log in until
    *   he gets a known password set ! Safety !)
    * - LDAP schema attributes : uid, givenName and sn (the standard attributes in each official schema)
    *   Search by uid = The username in openTimetool    
    $config->auth->method       =   'LDAP';
    $config->auth->url          =   'ldap://<>/<your_basedn>';
    $config->auth->digest       =   'md5';
    $config->auth->savePwd      =   false;  // password fields hidden
    // if you need authentication to ldap server = no anonymous access allowed
    $config->auth->ldap_adminid	 = 	 '';  // authenticate against LDAP server; see ldap_bind in php manual
    $config->auth->ldap_adminpwd	 = 	 '';  
    * actually you can have different run modes, which allow you to configure the 
    * application once and run it in different environments, but i removed that for the
    * first openSource version, just to make things easier :-)
    * So dont change this here
    $config->runMode = 'live';		// THIS IS THE NORMAL WORKING MODE !
    //$config->runMode = 'develop';

	// you may overwrite the above values in config by own ones ...
    $config_local = dirname(__FILE__).'/config-local.php';
    if (is_file($config_local)) {
        include_once $config_local;

	 * Well this code will be run through for any server round trip 
	 * Authentication, compilation, transalation and all the rest will 
	 * more or lesse be done there  
    require_once 'init.php';

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