ssh Eintrag ( in authorized_keys des users root

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07. Dez. 2014

ich habe heute in der Datei /root/.ssh/authorized_keys einen Eintrag für folgende IP gefunden.

Diese IP gehört wohl zur Webadresse

Den Eintrag habe ich erstmal entfernt.

Kennt jemand diesen Eintrag oder handelt es sich um einen Versuch auf meine DS 214 SE zuzugreifen?

Die DS hängt hinter einem Router und sollte von außen nicht mehr zugreifbar sein.
sehr ungewöhnlich... Das DSM kommt komplett ohne /root/.ssh.
Antwort vom Synology Support


hier die Antwort vom Synology Support:

Hi ,

Thank you for the inquiry.

Please help to keep the content/our name in your further reply, else we might not be able to filter the mail correctly and miss the mails.

It's very strange as has been down over half a year and we will need your permission to get into your system via telnet access and have a closer look at this problem for solving it. Please help to provide us with the information below so we can access your system.

Remote Access Instructions
1. Please enable the SSH function in Web UI of your Synology NAS . ( [Control Panel] > [Terminal & SNMP] > Terminal).
2. Please confirm with the firewall on DS that do not block the ports we need. ( [Control Panel] > [Security] > [Firewall], you could enable "allow access" on the bottom)
3. Standard Ports we need you to open on your router/firewall : 22, 5000, ( 5001 if you want HTTPS by default )
( Please see this link on how to forward your ports, )
4. WAN IP Address of your Synology NAS:
( Please go to to obtain IP information and check if the ports are opened or not )
5. A temporary password for admin account of your Synology NAS. (We need "admin" account, not admin-equal account)
6. Any other information/account/password/IP ..etc, which is related to your problem.

PS: You can set up to allow our company IP, and in your router firewall if you have more security concerns.

If you're not able to configure port forwarding, you could also provide us the remote access via our new feature in Built-in Support Center (ONLY DSM5.0 and onward) so you will not need to configure port-forwarding/firewall at all.
Please follow these steps and send us the related information,
(1) Enable the option "Remote access" via DSM -> Support Center -> Support Services
(2) There will be one Support identification key, please copy it directly
(3) Paste the identification key and also the user "admin"'s temporary password in your mail, we could then establish necessary session(s) to your DSM and check your issues directly.
Due to our design, some commands/connections only be available via this unique account "admin", thus we will need his temporary password. We are sorry for any inconvenience it might cause.

PS: Our office time is 9:00~17:30 (GMT +8)

Hope this helps.

David Fu​

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich denen Zugriff gewähren soll? Was denkt ihr?
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