## PHPingMon 1.3 Configuration File
# Product and version
prd_name = PHPingMon
prd_version = 1.2.1
# Pinger settings
ping_host = !!! SET HOST TO PING
ping_count = 10
ping_dest = /tmp
report_dest = report
# Database settings
db_host = localhost
; db_port =
db_user = USER
db_password = PASSWORD
db_database = db_ping
db_table = t_ping
# General settings
gen_date_format = Y-m-d
gen_time_format = H:i
gen_interval = 5
; Timeout: Should be one minute more than cronjob interval
gen_timeout = 6
gen_displayed_h = 24
gen_autorefresh = 1
# Table settings
; Head lines: comma separated
tbl_headers = Time, S, R, L, Min, Avg, Max
; Float values in table? (yes/no/print)
tbl_float = print
# Table: Highlighting values of min/avg/max
tbl_yellow = 50
tbl_orange = 100
tbl_red = 150
# Graph: Scaling, style
grp_def_scale = 2
grp_scales = 1, 2, 5, 10, 20
; Possible styles: line, square
grp_style = line
; Width of packet loss line:
grp_loss_size = 1
# Picture: Size, box titles
pic_size = 572x320
pic_box_titles = min, avg, max, packet loss
# Picture: Colors in R,G,B
clr_background = 255, 255, 255
clr_border = 0, 0, 0
clr_text = 0, 0, 128
clr_outerline = 0, 0, 0
clr_innerline = 192, 192, 192
# Picture: Color of graphs.
; Format: min avg max loss
; R,G,B; R,G,B; R,G,B; R,G,B
clr_data = 0,160,0; 96,96,96; 240,0,0; 128,128,255