Surveillance Station Update Surveillance Station Version: 9.2.1-11380


Mitglied seit
10. Jan 2024
Punkte für Reaktionen

Version: 9.2.1-11380​


Important Note​

  1. With this update, the processing of media files using H.265 codecs will be transitioned from the server to end devices. This change is intended to reduce unnecessary resource usage and enhance system efficiency. Surveillance Station will continue to support H.265 cameras with only minor changes, ensuring nearly the same user experience, while H.264 cameras and H.265 cameras on DVA models will remain unaffected. Learn more.
    • Motion detection using Surveillance Station's algorithms will no longer be supported. The settings will automatically switch to using the camera's built-in algorithm if available, or be disabled.
    • Continuing to take snapshots after events for email notifications will no longer be supported.
    • The mechanisms for generating event snapshots and thumbnails for the camera list, detection results, timeline preview, and more have been adjusted. The image update frequency may be affected, which can be adjusted in the camera settings. Note that this may impact camera performance.
  2. The Live View Analytics app will no longer be supported starting from this version.
  3. C2 Surveillance has been renamed to C2 Backup for Surveillance.
  4. Sending notifications to Slack or Microsoft Teams requires Surveillance Station 9.2.1 or above due to adjustments in the service providers' incoming webhook interface. Learn more

Compatibility & Installation​

  1. Surveillance Station 9.2.1 is only supported on DSM 7.2.2 or above.
  2. Surveillance Video Extension (SVE) will be automatically installed with this update to enable viewing H.264 videos on Surveillance Station. Note that the SVE installation must be done over the Internet.

What's New​

  1. Added support for CMS hosts in Surveillance Station 9.2.1 to manage recording servers running versions 9.2.0 and 9.2.1.
  2. Added support for using fisheye dewarping feature in web browser.
  3. Added support for users in Canada, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, or EU countries to buy additional Surveillance Device License Pack from the link of Synology Store in the License app.
  4. Added support for customizing HTTP headers for custom service providers' webhooks in Notification.
  5. Added support for Synology Surveillance API GPTs. Learn more.
  6. Updated API support. Check Synology Surveillance API Document Site for details.
    • Added support for retrieving more camera capability information, including digital input/output, audio output, and PTZ control.
    • Added support for the control of camera digital output.
    • Added support for camera's PTZ control.

Fixed Issues​

  1. Fixed an issue where dual recording files were incorrectly used to generate Smart Time Lapse videos.
  2. Fixed an issue where the history results for door-related actions in Action Rule might be incorrect.
  3. Fixed an issue where archive tasks might not complete due to overly long camera names or an excessive number of cameras.
  4. Fixed an issue where edge recordings might not be fully retrieved.
  5. Fixed an issue where the Preview Event and Next Event buttons in Monitor Center might not work if executed multiple times within a short period.
  6. Fixed an issue where camera might not be added successfully due to a system database error.
  7. Fixed an issue where the Surveillance Station web client might become inaccessible after updating to Surveillance Station 9.2.0 if version 6.3.0 or below had been installed previously.
  8. Fixed an issue where recording thumbnails from certain ONVIF H.264 cameras might not display.
  9. Fixed an issue where the timeline in Monitor Center might stop labeling events and updating thumbnails.
  10. Fixed an issue where an action in Action Rule might be executed twice if both a triggered rule and a scheduled rule with the same actions were set up.
  11. Fixed an issue where licenses might appear insufficient when adding licenses in CMS after if Synology Camera was added.
  12. Fixed an issue where Monitor Center in Archive Vault did not retain the fixed aspect ratio setting.
  13. Fixed an issue where recordings might not load properly if the system was updated from Surveillance Station 8.2.7 or below.
  14. Fixed an issue where videos might not play in Monitor Center if more than 200 channels were closed simultaneously when multiple sequential layouts were played and rotated.
  15. Fixed an issue where sending webhooks to WeChat did not work.
  16. Fixed an issue where GPU acceleration cannot function when Surveillance Station Client is used with Surveillance Station 9.2.1-11374.



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