Ich war sehr überrascht, daß nach dem upgrade von Android DS Cloud zu der Android Synology Drive App plötzlich keine Synchromisation mit Synology Drive Server mit der Drive Android App mehr möglich war, wobei alle Desktop Verbindungen weiterhin funktionierten. Dieses Verhalten war reproduzierbar auf multiplen Android Geräten. Konfiguratinsänderungen, die dieses Verhalten erklärten, waren keine erfolgt. Nach monatelangem Hin-und-her mit dem Synology support bestätigte dieser nun dass Android DS Drive derzeit keine selbst-signierten Zertifikate unterstützt (im Gegensatz zur DS Cloud Android App zuvor).
Ich habe ein Support Ticket mit einem klaren Feature request eröffnet, welches ich hier teilen möchte.
Dieses, auf English, möchte ich hier mit dem Forum teilen, falls ihr diesbezüglich ebenfalls Tickets eröffnen und diesbezüglich Druck machen möchtet:
I have written a clear statement to Synology's support questioning why they are unilaerally killing a feature without pre-warning relevant for many users and small organizations that use their own PKI independent of third parties.
Please feel free to open a similar support ticket with synology or leave a comment in the google https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.synology.dsdrive&hl=de&gl=USto remind them to re-implement this feature Synology Drive – Apps bei Google Play
Here my original support ticket response in case you would like to copy/paste:
Dear Synology developer team,
please urgently implement supporting self-signed certs with Android Synology Drive. Android DS Cloud supported this feature for many years. Since the recent auto-update of Synology Drive Server to Version 3.0 now Android DS Cloud has become incompatible.
There has not been issued a pre-warning to users of discontinuation of self-siged certs on Android with DS Drive.
As a conseqeunce DS Drive Android synchronization has unexpectedly and suddenly become entirely unusable for many users and small companies who must use their own generated PKI-certificates and cannot rely on third party certificates (i.e. Let's encrypt or others).
Synology has suddenly killed a https synchronization feature for many users which has worked for many years with Android DS Cloud without issuing any pre-warning!
Therefore implementing Android Synology Drive app supporting self-signed certs is a matter of utmost urgency. You are otherwise losing previously very happy and loyal users!
Ich habe ein Support Ticket mit einem klaren Feature request eröffnet, welches ich hier teilen möchte.
Dieses, auf English, möchte ich hier mit dem Forum teilen, falls ihr diesbezüglich ebenfalls Tickets eröffnen und diesbezüglich Druck machen möchtet:
I have written a clear statement to Synology's support questioning why they are unilaerally killing a feature without pre-warning relevant for many users and small organizations that use their own PKI independent of third parties.
Please feel free to open a similar support ticket with synology or leave a comment in the google https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.synology.dsdrive&hl=de&gl=USto remind them to re-implement this feature Synology Drive – Apps bei Google Play
Here my original support ticket response in case you would like to copy/paste:
Dear Synology developer team,
please urgently implement supporting self-signed certs with Android Synology Drive. Android DS Cloud supported this feature for many years. Since the recent auto-update of Synology Drive Server to Version 3.0 now Android DS Cloud has become incompatible.
There has not been issued a pre-warning to users of discontinuation of self-siged certs on Android with DS Drive.
As a conseqeunce DS Drive Android synchronization has unexpectedly and suddenly become entirely unusable for many users and small companies who must use their own generated PKI-certificates and cannot rely on third party certificates (i.e. Let's encrypt or others).
Synology has suddenly killed a https synchronization feature for many users which has worked for many years with Android DS Cloud without issuing any pre-warning!
Therefore implementing Android Synology Drive app supporting self-signed certs is a matter of utmost urgency. You are otherwise losing previously very happy and loyal users!
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