Aktueller Inhalt von DaveR

  1. DaveR

    Windows 11 Install. schlägt fehl!

    They did already :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_William_monuments
  2. DaveR

    DS620slim Noctua Lüfter bleibt stehen

    @Fetz Braun Are you sure that scemd.xml is no longer used? Do you have any more information about it? usr/lib/libhwcontrol.so.1 in DSM 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 still references /usr/syno/etc/scemd.xml (and defaults to /usr/syno/etc.defaults/scemd.xml if no fan config was found in...
  3. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    I was wrong again. It happens sometimes :( According to Acronis:
  4. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    Was "the power on time is beyond the usual lifetime of a disk when it's running for > 5 years" exactly what ChatGPT wrote? Or was that how you phrased it? That sentence is confusing (to me). I understood "the power on time is beyond the usual lifetime of a disk when it's running for > 5 years"...
  5. DaveR

    Variablen in einer Log-Datei sollen exakt untereinander stehen

    In notepad++ change the line endings to Windows. Edit > EOL Conversion > Windows (CR LF) Or in your script change the \n in each printf line to \r\n
  6. DaveR

    Variablen in einer Log-Datei sollen exakt untereinander stehen

    You can print the variables in whatever order you want. Like $col1 $col15 $col25 Assigning a=3.14 is a string, not a integer or floating point number. The 5 in %5.2d means pad to 5 spaces. The 2 in %5.2d means pad to 2 decimal places. The d at the end of %5.2d means format as a decimal. The f...
  7. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    ChatGPT is often misleading, or even completely wrong. For NAS and server drives the power on time would normally be "24 x 365 x the number years the drive has been in the NAS or server". So it's impossible for a drive to have "the power on time is beyond the usual lifetime of a disk when it's...
  8. DaveR

    Wir brauchen Eure Hilfe beim Aufbau des neuen Wikis

    @Tommes Maybe you should add that to the Wiki :D
  9. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    Like this? https://github.com/007revad/Synology_SMART_info It shows only the important information, colour coded to make it easier to understand. I need to update it to decode the Seagate attributes that have huge numbers.
  10. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    @framp You can send emails via a script using DSM's ssmtp. Though it's not a simple one line of code (more like 68 lines if you want to make it bullet-proof). You could strip it down to about 13 lines if you removed all the checking. The script needs to create a txt file that contains the to...
  11. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    Writing to log center is easy with syslog_set. syslog_set info "Plex ${Version} backup completed successfully" EDIT syslog_set must be DSM 6 and older because it no longer works in DSM 7. I'll have a look at synologset1 in @Tommes 3rd link.
  12. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    My ScriptNotify is not finished. When it is finished there will be Release with a ScriptNotify_1.0.0-0001.spk file to install in package center. For ScriptNotify I think I started with Horst Schimd's DemoUiSpk7 or @Tommes DSM7DemoSPK and stripped out all the parts I didn't need. During...
  13. DaveR

    SMART-Werte auslesen und interpretieren

    I never got around to finishing https://github.com/007revad/ScriptNotify so it's still currently incomplete. When finished it would only send messages to the DSM Notifications, like: So no email notifications.
  14. DaveR

    HDD SATA IronWolf Pro 16 TB - Mulmiges Gefühl

    For Synology NAS with an x86-64 CPU syno_hdd_db when run with the -I or --ihm option installs IronWolf Health Management v2.5.1 ("borrowed" from QNAP). I added the IHM option because DSM's old IHM version never supported my 16TB Ironwolfs and then Synology removed IHM so I'd never seen the IHM...
  15. DaveR

    HDD SATA Festplattenbetrug

    I read somewhere a couple of days ago that the scammers are now resetting the FARM history as well as the SMART history.