
  1. DaveR

    Mehrkosten für SAS statt SATA sinnvoll? (bei DS1821+)

    In May 2023 while looking around in DSM I found references to "synology_v1000_1623+" and "synology_v1000_1823+"... but they never released a DS1623+ or DS1823+. In September 2023 I found references to "synology_v1000_rs1624xs+", "synology_v1000_1624+" and "synology_v1000_1824+"... but these...
  2. DaveR

    Daten-Prüfsumme für erweiterte Dateiintegrität deaktivieren

    You can enable, or disable, data checksums when moving a shared folder to another volume. At step 6 untick "Enable data checksums". Then do the same to move the shared folder back to it's original volume.
  3. DaveR

    Container Manager oder Docker auf IPv6 umstellen

    The images have been added now.
  4. DaveR

    Container Manager oder Docker auf IPv6 umstellen

    I've released a script that it does it all, including backing up the files it edits. I edited my post just 40 minutes ago to say that it enables IPv6 on the bridge network.
  5. DaveR

    Container Manager oder Docker auf IPv6 umstellen

    You're going to have to get your hands dirty and edit 3 files via SSH. I prefer editing the files using WinSCP. Note: The following dockerd.json examples contain "2001:db8:1::/64". Replace "2001:db8:1::/64" with your network's cidr range. First stop Container Manager. Then edit...
  6. DaveR

    Warnung CVE-2024-6387 und Schwachstellen SSH

    Only OpenSSH versions 8.5p1 to 9.7p1 are affected. DSM 7.2.1 has OpenSSH_8.2p1 DSM 6.2.4 has OpenSSH_7.4p1
  7. DaveR

    Contact Apps löschen/deinstallieren

    Calendar depends on a few packages: Synology Application Service, Node.js,_v20, PHP8.2 and Contacts. Uninstall Calendar first, then uninstall Contacts. Der Kalender ist von einigen Paketen abhängig: Synology Application Service, Node.js,_v20, PHP8.2 und Kontakte. Deinstallieren Sie zuerst den...
  8. DaveR

    abschalter der NAS

    As Tommes said, "/volumeX 3 /test/" is wrong. The fact that you got this so wrong suggests that you should not be using SSH. If your Synology has a shared folder named "test" on "/volume3", and you have the "" key from the Windows PC in the test folder, you should be using...
  9. DaveR

    abschalter der NAS

    You need to create the .shh folder and setup the keys in /volumeX/homes/{an-admin-user}/.ssh as a user with admin privileges. So make sure you are NOT logged into SSH as root or sudo.
  10. DaveR

    abschalter der NAS

  11. DaveR

    Erweiterungseinheit für DS1618+

    Correction. DS1621+ does have the updater file. But it does not contain DX513.
  12. DaveR

    Erweiterungseinheit für DS1618+

    @ctrlaltdelete @seppy2000 I'm not sure, but it looks like the script might work on a DS1618+. I'd love to know if it does work. After unpacking DSM 7.2.1 pat files for DS1618+ and DS1621+, as far as DX513 support goes, the only differences are: DS1621+ has model.dtb which is one of the files...
  13. DaveR

    Synology Wiki errors

    I'm unable to post in the as it says "You have insufficient privileges to post threads here." There are some errors in this section: It says the Synology NAS with Atom...
  14. DaveR

    Script to Recover Your Data using a Computer without a lot of typing

    Following Synology's guide to recover your data using a computer is too complicated for many people, and often does not work. So I wrote a script that does the complicated steps 4 to 13 for you...
  15. DaveR

    Apps von Volume(x) nach Volume(y) verschieben

    No, it does not. v3.0.47 now shows the steps on how to move the photo shared folder if it exists.
  16. DaveR

    Container Manager for RS819, DS119j, DS418, DS418j, DS218, DS218play and DS118

    I gave up on the edited spk package and wrote a script that installs Container Manager instead. Read the readme before using the script:
  17. DaveR

    Apps von Volume(x) nach Volume(y) verschieben

    Thanks for the confirmation.
  18. DaveR

    Apps von Volume(x) nach Volume(y) verschieben

    I've released a new version. - Bug fix for moving Hyper Backup. issue #35 - Bug fix for moving Synology MailPlus Server. issue #20 - Bug fix for backing up extra '@folders'. '@ docker', '@downloads' etc.). - Improved...
  19. DaveR

    Apps von Volume(x) nach Volume(y) verschieben

    It's taken 7 hours but I've finally found what was missing. I'll have a new version on GitHub shortly.
  20. DaveR

    Apps von Volume(x) nach Volume(y) verschieben

    I'm getting the same issue. I'm looking for the cause now.
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