
  1. DaveR

    DSM 7.2 Neue Version: 7.2.2-72806

    Try plugging an ethernet cable into one of the 1GbE ports.
  2. DaveR

    Datei / Anhang per eMail versenden

    The DS1517+ has a 64 bit x86_64 CPU. Maybe you downloaded the package for the DS1517 (without a plus) that has an ARM CPU which is arch64... but then the package normally would not have installed. Try uninstalling mutt then manually install this version...
  3. DaveR

    Datei / Anhang per eMail versenden

    Which Synology NAS do you have?
  4. DaveR

    Datei / Anhang per eMail versenden

    mutt is available from synocommunity in package center in DSM 7.2.2 on my DS720+ and installs without error, but it's not available in DSM 6.2 on my DS1812+. It is also available for manual install for DSM 6: I tried it on my DS720+ but could not get it...
  5. DaveR

    DS-Video App

    Don't downgrade DSM Just install Video Station.
  6. DaveR

    Datei / Anhang per eMail versenden

    You can install Mutt from synocommunity then include an attachment with -a echo "Your Message" | mutt -s "Your subject""-a your.log
  7. DaveR

    Node.js v16 v20

    When you try to uninstall node.js v18 package center will tell you if any installed package is dependent on v18.
  8. DaveR

    Datei / Anhang per eMail versenden

    @chats Did you upgrade from DSM 6 to DSM 7 with nail already installed?
  9. DaveR

    SSD M.2 Bekomme Script nicht zum Laufen: M.2 NVME SSD Volume: Script Synology_HDD_db

    @Mu Lei I'm sorry you have spent many frustrating hours trying to get it working (when all you really want to do is setup your new Synology). At least once you work out what was wrong you will know what to do in future.
  10. DaveR

    SSD M.2 Bekomme Script nicht zum Laufen: M.2 NVME SSD Volume: Script Synology_HDD_db

    Check the file exists and you are typing the path and correctly: ls /volume1/scripts/M2_DB Make sure the .sh file is executable: sudo chmod +x /volume1/scripts/M2_DB/ Run the script: sudo -s /volume1/scripts/M2_DB/ -n
  11. DaveR

    SSD M.2 Bekomme Script nicht zum Laufen: M.2 NVME SSD Volume: Script Synology_HDD_db

    syno_hdd_db is all that's needed for a DS423+ to be able to create NVMe volume from storage manager. Most '20 series and newer only need syno_hdd_db.
  12. DaveR

    SSD M.2 Bekomme Script nicht zum Laufen: M.2 NVME SSD Volume: Script Synology_HDD_db

    @Mu Lei would still need to work out the correct path where the script is located.
  13. DaveR

    SSD M.2 Bekomme Script nicht zum Laufen: M.2 NVME SSD Volume: Script Synology_HDD_db

    If someone wants to translate the readme page to Deutsch I'll add a Deutsch readme page.
  14. DaveR

    SSD M.2 Bekomme Script nicht zum Laufen: M.2 NVME SSD Volume: Script Synology_HDD_db

    Once you have connected to Syno_Mue via SSH you don't need to type Syno_Mue again. If you unzipped the in a shared folder named "scripts" the command would be: /volume1/scripts/Synology_HDD_db-3.5.101/ -nr
  15. DaveR

    Bitte um Unterstützung bei der NAS-Entscheidung

    I couldn't find it either :unsure:
  16. DaveR

    Bitte um Unterstützung bei der NAS-Entscheidung

    Are sure it's not IB-RD3620SU3 ? Though it has RAID and JBOD. Mine is a IB-3640SU3 without the "RD" and it has only JBOD (no RAID). Note: IcyBox's definition of JBOD is different to Synology's. Synology's JBOD is one big...
  17. DaveR

    Bitte um Unterstützung bei der NAS-Entscheidung

    Your IcyBox can be connected to a Synology NAS via USB, but not eSATA. If your IcyBox does not have RAID the drives in the IcyBox can change their usbshare name volume names each time you connect or turn on the IcyBox - depending on which drive gets mounted first. I created a file on each...
  18. DaveR

    Docker Container Backup

    @ctrlaltdelete I've used your json export code in
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