
  1. DaveR

    Surveillance Station NVMe SSD Cache in 1821+ für SS

    The SSD cache in DSM 7 only caches small files (less than 1MB if I remember correctly) so it's no help for reading or writing larger files. You would be better off setting up pair of NVMe drives as a volume ( and moving the Surveillance Station...
  2. DaveR

    SA6400 viel zu langsam

    I can allow creating SHR and RAID F1 in any Synology model. I ran RAID F1 with 3 NVMe drives in my DS1821+ until I noticed that NVMe drives in a E10M20-T1 or M2D20 run twice as fast as NVMe drives in the internal M.2 slots. I have not yet worked...
  3. DaveR

    SA6400 viel zu langsam

    Thanks for the update. It is strange that the SA6400 ran slowly with SHR and RAID F1, and fast with RAID 5.
  4. DaveR

    DS fiel zu Boden - Festplatten futsch?

    I found that apt-get won't install mdadm in Ubuntu 19.10 so my script uses apt instead (even though using apt in a script is not recommended). You also need an old version of mdadm that supports DSM's superblock location or you'll get a mount: /dev/XXXX: can't read superblock error. # Set...
  5. DaveR

    DS fiel zu Boden - Festplatten futsch?

    Try Synology_Recover_Data:
  6. DaveR

    Log Analysis LogAnalysis - GUI zum betrachten und durchsuchen von /var/log

    @Tommes You really should add some screenshots of LogAnalysis to your GitHub readme.
  7. DaveR

    data deduplication auf unsupported DS und unsupported SSDs

    Did you close a re-open storage manager? If yes, then I suspect the SSD cache is preventing the deduplication menu from appearing because deduplication is only officially supported on SSD volumes, and an SSD volume would not have an SSD cache.
  8. DaveR

    Daten weg? Oder noch zu retten?

    Sadly it looks like your volume 1 is empty. But wait for a second opinion.
  9. DaveR

    Daten weg? Oder noch zu retten?

    Is says "total 8" but is not showing the 8 folders. @peterhoffmann also asked for: ls -la / Also, what does this command show: du -sh /volume1
  10. DaveR

    eSATA an DS723+

    The only 3rd party eSATA devices that can work with DSM are a single eSATA drives or a multi-bay eSATA DAS that have hardware RAID. I have an IcyBox (same as Mediasonic) without RAID and DSM won't mount the drives.
  11. DaveR

    Der Ärger-Thread...

    I'm back baby! :) Internet came back an hour ago.
  12. DaveR

    Der Ärger-Thread...

    My Internet is offline and nobody can come to fix it until Monday!?!?😕
  13. DaveR

    Mit DS 218+ auf 7.2 updates geht nicht

    Manchmal gibt DSM eine Standardfehlermeldung aus, wenn es nicht den wahren Grund für das Problem gibt. Das Problem, das Sie haben, kann durch ein DNS-Problem verursacht werden. Versuchen Sie, Ihren Router und dann das NAS neu zu starten. If that works you should update to 7.2.1-69057 (with...
  14. DaveR

    Daten weg? Oder noch zu retten?

    You can boot your computer with a Ubuntu USB thumb drive. This page has all the steps required.
  15. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    @Tommes When I use google to translate this thread to English it changes Tommes to Empty :rolleyes:
  16. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    Wow. That is the best Synology SSH Public Key setup guide I've seen.
  17. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    You could put the commands in a text file on one of your github repos and just put a link to the text file in the youtube video's description.
  18. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    Apparently you can use the unicode character U+003E > <>is accepted in youtube titles and description. <>is not allowed in youtube titles and description. Be aware that the unicode >does not work in a shell in place of > for redirection. # This worked echo ">" >> /volume1/test/test.txt echo...
  19. DaveR

    SA6400 viel zu langsam

    Has the SA6400 finished checking the drives? I suspect RAID F1 may be the problem. Can you check if these commands return in_sync or writemostly cat /sys/block/md0/md/dev-sata1p1/state cat /sys/block/md0/md/dev-sata2p1/state cat /sys/block/md0/md/dev-sata3p1/state cat...
  20. DaveR

    DSM 7.2 Reihenweiser Ausfall Seagate DS1821+

    OP mentioned a few days ago that it is a new DS1821+ @Agoraphobie Contact Synology and get it replaced under warranty.
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