
  1. DaveR

    Daten weg? Oder noch zu retten?

    You can boot your computer with a Ubuntu USB thumb drive. This page has all the steps required.
  2. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    @Tommes When I use google to translate this thread to English it changes Tommes to Empty :rolleyes:
  3. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    Wow. That is the best Synology SSH Public Key setup guide I've seen.
  4. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    You could put the commands in a text file on one of your github repos and just put a link to the text file in the youtube video's description.
  5. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    Apparently you can use the unicode character U+003E > <>is accepted in youtube titles and description. <>is not allowed in youtube titles and description. Be aware that the unicode >does not work in a shell in place of > for redirection. # This worked echo ">" >> /volume1/test/test.txt echo...
  6. DaveR

    SA6400 viel zu langsam

    Has the SA6400 finished checking the drives? I suspect RAID F1 may be the problem. Can you check if these commands return in_sync or writemostly cat /sys/block/md0/md/dev-sata1p1/state cat /sys/block/md0/md/dev-sata2p1/state cat /sys/block/md0/md/dev-sata3p1/state cat...
  7. DaveR

    DSM 7.2 Reihenweiser Ausfall Seagate DS1821+

    OP mentioned a few days ago that it is a new DS1821+ @Agoraphobie Contact Synology and get it replaced under warranty.
  8. DaveR

    Fragen zum Zugriff auf root-Verzeichnis per SSH

    Nice to put a voice to the name. Even if I can't understand anything you said. The only Deutsch I know is from watching Hogan's Heroes, :)
  9. DaveR

    Migration von alten NAS auf neues

    That explains why my DS720+ has the multi pin connector.
  10. DaveR

    Migration von alten NAS auf neues

    Your DS218+ may just have a different IP address. Try Synology Assistant to see if it can find the DS218+. If the DS218+ is okay you can sell it or keep for backing up the DS224+ to.
  11. DaveR

    Festplatten im Ruhemodus - wie erkennen?

    And internal SAS HDDs and SAS 2.5 inch SSDs (for Synology models that support SAS drives).
  12. DaveR

    Zweite Mediathek (Server) in Plex löschen ohne Verlust der Dateien.

    It looks like you've already deleted CloneBorg_Media_Center's libraries. All you need to do now is delete the CloneBorg_Media_Center server. Click on the Server name (CloneBorg_Media_Center). Click General (Algemein.). Click Remove (Entfernen) .
  13. DaveR

    Datenrettung nach Hardware defekt.

    Interesting. I'll have to create a new Ubuntu 19.10 USB boot drive and test it again. I used 19.10 because I wanted a persistent volume, but I've had problems getting the script to mount encrypted shared folders. Encrypted volumes are okay. So I've been trying to get mount encrypted shared...
  14. DaveR

    Der Freude-Thread...

    Australia would like to win the European Championship
  15. DaveR

    DS1825+ leaked

    I'm hoping it has a AMD Ryzen V3C14 CPU.
  16. DaveR

    DS1825+ leaked

    I know what I'm getting myself for Christmas :)
  17. DaveR

    DS1825+ leaked

    Synology have accidentally added the DS1825+ to their product page before they were ready to. Unfortunately they didn't include the specs.
  18. DaveR

    Datenrettung nach Hardware defekt.

    You need an old version of mdadm that supports DSM's superblock location to avoid errors like this: My Synology_Recover_Data script takes of this, and other issues.
  19. DaveR

    DS220+ Migration auf DS224+ scheitert da System update nicht installiert werden kann

    Did you forget about the last link in your signature? :eek:
  20. DaveR

    DS220+ Migration auf DS224+ scheitert da System update nicht installiert werden kann

    Either the system partition is too small or there's user files in the system partition that should not be there.