
  1. M

    EBI - Easy Bootstrap Installer

    I'll try re-formulating correctly (couldn't fin d the 'edit post' button): My EBI install worked with my Trust Level at "Synology Inc. and trusted publishers". I was surprised as I understood you were qualified as 'trusted publishers' on DSM up to v5.1, not v5.2 which runs on DS216Play. I must...
  2. M

    EBI - Easy Bootstrap Installer

    Hi QTip, Works much better now, I had in fact my Trust Level at "Synology Inc." only. I tried with "Synology Inc. and trusted publishers" (DSM 5.2), and it worked. Sorry for disturbing. I was confused with the community apps showing up, while apparently not 'allowed' to install. Thanks a lot...
  3. M

    EBI - Easy Bootstrap Installer

    Halo, I versuchte fur DS216Play, aber Ich konnte nichts, wie on another thread : -- English version, in case my German is too bad -- Hi there, Thanks...
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