DSM 6.x und darunter Downgrade DSM 6.1.1 nach 5.2 ?

Alle DSM Version von DSM 6.x und älter
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18. Mai 2017
Bitte um dringende Hilfe.
Habe schon alle Exploit's die ich im Netz gefunden habe ausprobiert, nur leider klappt bei der Version keiner mehr....

Synology Information:
NAS: DS213j
DSM: 6.1.1-15101
Driver: 2x 3TB

Durch die Auto-Update-Funktion von den Synology Idioten wird bei der Version 6.1.1 mein Plex-Server nicht mehr supportet.....

Gruß LinNASx
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hab meine 212j so wieder auf die 5.2 gebracht. Musst halt nur die "fake" .pat entsprechend Deinem Modell benennen, ebenso unter unique= bei der VERSION.

Downgrade DSM 6.1 to DSM 5.2

Downgrading Synology DSM 6.1 to 5.2 (and then to 6.0.2) (self.synology)

eingereicht vor 1 Monat * von barifter

After upgrading my DS211j from DSM 5.2 to 6.1 and spending a weekend with random lockups and blue blinking light I finally managed to downgrade back to 5.2 (and then 6.0.2 where I stay for now). Reading the Synology forum I learned that I wasn't the only one who had bad experience with DSM 6.1. The downgrade tutorials that worked with DSM 4 and 5 no longer work with 6.1 so it took a lot of googling and some trial and error and voila! Finally figure it out. I though I would share it here to save someone some time.

Here is how I did it:

after booting do the "double reset" (press reset 4 seconds until it beeps, then press again right away until you hear 3 beeps).

the system will reboot. Wait for the reboot to finish until you hear a beep.

do a search in Synology Assistant (SA). You should see your NAS there.

create a "fake" .pat file and save it as "DSM_DS211j_15047.pat". (By "fake" I mean create any text file in Notepad and put few characters in it).

select the fake .pat file with SA and start the "update"

the update will fail at about 4%. That's what we want. It will open up a Telnet port 23

now the SA Status will say Migratable

open Putty. Login as "root". Password for the root is "101-0101"

now we need to edit the "VERSION" file:

type in "vi /etc.defaults/VERSION" and you will see:

press "i" to enter the edit mode and change the text to this:

unique="synology_88f6281_211j" **make sure to replace "211j" with whatever your model is**
when done editing press ESC, then press ":wq" in sequence to save the changes

search in SA will now show version 5.2.3-5644

download 5644 .pat file from Synology site and install it with SA. Wait until it reboots.

SA might ask you to finish the configuration. Ignore it and close it.

login to DSM vai web as admin. Password is empty. Finish the setup. Make sure to disable automatic updates or you will end up with 6.1 again.

Now you can upgrade to whatever version you want. Just stay away from DSM 6.1 ;)

You will probably lose you configuration even if you saved it since V6 is not compatible with V5 (can't confirm though). I believe you could go directly from 6.1 to 6.0.2 but you would need to adjust the VERSION info accordingly. And of course - do it at your own risk.

Credit goes to folks at the German and Dutch Synology forums.
Was geht da nicht? Du musst jetzt per Telnet mit Port 23 auf die DS und modifizierst die VERSION nach Deinen Bedürfnissen.
Was geht da nicht? Du musst jetzt per Telnet mit Port 23 auf die DS und modifizierst die VERSION nach Deinen Bedürfnissen.

Das habe ich gemacht, wie du auf dem Bild sehen kannst.


Sobald ich dann die richtige DSM_DS213j_5967.pat installieren möchte, kommt am Ende die gleiche Fehlermeldung wie bei der Fake .pat.
Wenn Du die "VERSION" unter buildnumber="5644" eingetragen hast, musst Du auch (nach der fake 5644) mit der "echten" 5644 installieren. Hattest Du gleich die 5967 genommen?
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