Firefox Sync Server über Docker

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Firefox auf dem Desktop synchronisiert bei mir nach wie vor über den Docker-Container von Dojo.

Allerdings nützt mir das nicht mehr viel, denn Firefox 79 für Android bietet keinen Zugriff mehr auf about:config. Damit ist die Synchronisation zwischen FF auf dem Desktop und auf dem Mobiltelefon nicht mehr möglich, da identity.sync.tokenserver.uri auf dem mobilen Firefox nicht mehr geändert werden kann. Bleibt nur die Möglichkeit, die alte Firefox-Version aus dem F-Droid store zu installieren. Das ist sehr ärgerlich!
Das Problem hatte ich gestern auch, nach dem Update. Nach langer Suche habe ich was gefunden, dass es wieder funktioniert.

Unter Einstellungen -> Über Firefox -> Mehrmals auf das Logo oben "Firefox Browser" tippen. Danach erscheinen unter Einstellungen die Punkte "Benutzerdifinierter Firefox-Kontoserver" und "Benutzerdefinierter Sync-Server"

Das hat meinen Tag gerettet.
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Reaktionen: Adama und cantor
Danke für diesen wichtigen Hinweis!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Allerdings nützt mir das nicht mehr viel, denn Firefox 79 für Android bietet keinen Zugriff mehr auf about:config.

In die Falle bin ich gestern auch noch gelaufen, deswegen auch von mir ein dickes Danke...

Kann man danach eigentlich den Debug-Modus wieder beenden?
Ich konnte für meinen Fall (Desktop Firefox 80) das Problem lösen.

Drauf gebracht hat mich dieses Issue auf der Github-Seite für den Sync-Server:

Ich hab' in about:config den Eintrag identity.sync.useOAuthForSyncToken auf false gesetzt und jetzt bleibt die Verbindung stabil.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das Problem hatte ich gestern auch, nach dem Update. Nach langer Suche habe ich was gefunden, dass es wieder funktioniert.

Unter Einstellungen -> Über Firefox -> Mehrmals auf das Logo oben "Firefox Browser" tippen. Danach erscheinen unter Einstellungen die Punkte "Benutzerdifinierter Firefox-Kontoserver" und "Benutzerdefinierter Sync-Server"

Das hat meinen Tag gerettet.
Deswegen funktioniert der Sync leider trotzdem nicht... Bin schon eine geraume Zeit dran das Ganze wieder zum Laufen zu bringen. Möglicherweise ist es sogar ein Bug im neuen FF Android. Bin da schon in Diskussion in der Firefox Reddit Gruppe.
Ich hab' in about:config den Eintrag identity.sync.useOAuthForSyncToken auf false gesetzt und jetzt bleibt die Verbindung stabil.
... auf dem FF für Android nach dem Einschalten des neuen Debugmodus? about:config funktioniert bei mir nämlich dann trotzdem nicht. FF meldet einen Asset Fehler.
Bei mir läuft der Sync auf 2 Geräten mit FF Android (Version 79.0.5).
Gleiche Version hier und Dojo Container, der eigentlich ohne Probleme läuft. Nutzt du nun eine https oder http URL?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hmm hast du dann tatsächlich ein korrektes Zertifikat, also ein über bspw. Lets Encrypt generiertes Zertifkat auf der Syno am Laufen oder einfach nur den https Port freigeschaltet?
Ich habe einen dyndns-Subdomain auf die Syno mit LE-Zertifikat und der Reverse-Proxy lenkt dann auf den richtigen Port.
@Yippie: Mein Problem bezieht sich auf den Desktop-Firefox. Und dort natürlich über about:config. Ich hab's im Post noch mal eingetragen.

Bei mir syncen jetzt wieder alle, Desktop und Android.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: Yippie
Also bei mir gibt es keinerlei Probleme mit dem Synchronisieren(Firefox Desktop 80.0).
In der about:config musste ich dafür den Parameter nicht anpassen:
identity.sync.useOAuthForSyncToken = false

Allerdings funktioniert seid geraumer Zeit Firefox für iOS nicht mehr:
Mit Deinem Container ging's auch lustigerweise...

Ich hab' ja zuletzt mit dem Original-Container gearbeitet.
  • Like
Reaktionen: dojo
Hallo zusammen, seit zwei drei Tage kann ich mich mit dem Desktop Firefor nicht mehr auf mein SelfHosted server verbinden. Ehrlich gesagt weiss ich nicht warum.

Auf mein Android geht das wunderbar.

Version FF Desktop 80.0.1 auf ein MacBookPro (OSX 10.13.6)
Version FF Andoid 80.1.2
Server Version Fsync Latest

1599136455580    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    removing account data
1599136455581    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: null
1599136455581    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent
1599136455582    FirefoxAccounts    INFO    An accountState promise was resolved, but was actually rejected due to a different user being signed in. Originally resolved with: {"email":"","uid":"702dff69c5d84dc08052a9e5c584ad17","verified":true,"avatar":"","avatarDefault":true}
1599136455584    FirefoxAccounts    INFO    An accountState promise was rejected, but we are ignoring that reason and rejecting it due to a different user being signed in. Originally rejected with: Error: Another user has signed in(resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.jsm:210:29) JS Stack trace: getUserAccountData@FxAccounts.jsm:210:29
1599136455699    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 118
1599136455702    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    storage set finished clearing account data
1599136455702    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    account data reset
1599136455702    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    StorageManager finalizing
1599136455702    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    StorageManager finalized
1599136455702    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    initializing new storage manager
1599136455702    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting fetch of json user data
1599136455709    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished fetch of json user data - took: 7
1599136455709    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    initializing of new storage manager done
1599136455709    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Notifying observers of fxaccounts:onlogout
1599136455710    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    observed fxaccounts:onlogout
1599136455710    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Sync is not configured, so ignoring the notification
1599136455710    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    observed topic=fxaccounts:onlogout, data=null, subject=null
1599136455710    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    FxAccountsPushService unsubscribe
1599136455712    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Unsubscribing from FxA push.
1599136455712    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    FxAccountsPushService unsubscribe
1599136455717    Sync.LogManager    DEBUG    Done deleting files.
1599136455880    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsPushService unsubscribed
1599136455880    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsPushService unsubscribed
1599136455880    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Destroying session and device.
1599136455882    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136455882    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 2
1599136456164    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136456164    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /session/destroy?service=sync: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136456164    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -164
1599136456164    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Destroying all OAuth tokens.
1599136456164    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136456164    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 900
1599136456331    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136456331    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/destroy: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136456332    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -332
1599136456332    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Notifying observers of testhelper-fxa-signout-complete
1599136457045    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsWebChannel message received: fxaccounts:fxa_status
1599136457045    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    fxa_status received
1599136457045    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    service: sync
1599136457045    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    is private browsing: false
1599136457131    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsWebChannel message received: fxaccounts:loaded
1599136457131    FirefoxAccounts    WARN    Unrecognized FxAccountsWebChannel command: fxaccounts:loaded
1599136463028    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsWebChannel message received: fxaccounts:can_link_account
1599136464677    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsWebChannel response: {"command":"fxaccounts:can_link_account","messageId":"15991364630272","data":{"ok":true}}
1599136470506    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsWebChannel message received: fxaccounts:login
1599136470507    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Webchannel is logging a user in.
1599136470508    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    setSignedInUser - aborting any existing flows
1599136470508    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    removing account data
1599136470508    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: null
1599136470547    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 39
1599136470548    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    storage set finished clearing account data
1599136470548    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    account data reset
1599136470548    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    StorageManager finalizing
1599136470548    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    StorageManager finalized
1599136470548    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    initializing new storage manager
1599136470549    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified"]
1599136470549    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified"]
1599136470554    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 4
1599136470554    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["keyFetchToken","unwrapBKey"]
1599136470554    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136470556    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136470556    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    initializing of new storage manager done
1599136470556    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Notifying observers of fxaccounts:onlogin
1599136470556    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    observed fxaccounts:onlogin
1599136470556    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Sync is not configured, so ignoring the notification
1599136470556    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsProfileClient: Initialized
1599136470556    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    FxAccountsPush registerPushEndpoint
1599136470557    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsProfileClient: Requested profile
1599136470557    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getOAuthToken enter
1599136470558    FirefoxAccounts    INFO    fetching updated device list
1599136470581    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET request to
1599136470582    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136470582    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 81
1599136470821    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET 200
1599136470822    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /account/devices: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136470822    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -822
1599136470822    FirefoxAccounts    INFO    Got new device list: 
1599136470822    FirefoxAccounts    INFO    updating the cache
1599136470831    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    FxAccountsPush got subscription
1599136470834    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["device"]
1599136470834    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device"]
1599136470834    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device"]
1599136470835    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Fetching keys with token true from
1599136470837    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET request to
1599136470838    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 3
1599136470838    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["keyFetchToken","unwrapBKey"]
1599136470838    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136470840    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136471019    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET 200
1599136471019    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /account/keys: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136471019    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -1019
1599136471021    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Keys Obtained:kSync=true, kXCS=true, kExtSync=true, kExtKbHash=true
1599136471021    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","keyFetchToken","unwrapBKey"]
1599136471021    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device"]
1599136471021    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device"]
1599136471022    Sync.BulkKeyBundle    INFO    BulkKeyBundle being created for undefined
1599136471023    FirefoxAccounts    INFO    registering with available commands: [""]
1599136471023    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    registering new device details
1599136471023    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 2
1599136471023    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash"]
1599136471024    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136471026    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136471028    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136471029    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 856
1599136471309    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136471309    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /account/device: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136471309    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -309
1599136471309    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["device"]
1599136471309    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device"]
1599136471309    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device"]
1599136471310    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Webchannel is enabling sync
1599136471310    Sync.Service    INFO    Configuring sync with current FxA user
1599136471313    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    observed weave:connected
1599136471313    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Sync has been connected to a logged in user
1599136471314    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    The user became verified
1599136471314    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.login: error.login.reason.no_username => success.login
1599136471314    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.service: service.client_not_configured => success.status_ok
1599136471314    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Doing initial sync actions
1599136471314    Sync.AddonsReconciler    INFO    Registering as Add-on Manager listener.
1599136471315    Sync.AddonsReconciler    DEBUG    Adding change listener.
1599136471315    Sync.Engine.History.Tracker    INFO    Adding Places observer.
1599136471316    Sync.Service    DEBUG    User-Agent: Firefox/80.0.1 (Intel Mac OS X 10.13) FxSync/
1599136471316    Sync.Service    INFO    Starting sync at 2020-09-03 14:34:31 in browser session 6W6te0EeS-aR
1599136471316    Sync.Service    DEBUG    In sync: should login.
1599136471316    Sync.Service    INFO    User logged in successfully - verifying login.
1599136471318    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    unlockAndVerifyAuthState already has (or can fetch) sync keys
1599136471318    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.login: success.login => success.status_ok
1599136471318    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.service: success.status_ok => error.login.failed
1599136471318    Sync.Service    DEBUG    Fetching unlocked auth state returned success.status_ok
1599136471319    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Getting keys
1599136471320    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Getting an assertion from:
1599136471320    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    Getting a token using OAuth
1599136471320    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getAccessToken enter
1599136471320    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getOAuthToken enter
1599136471413    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136471413    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/token: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136471414    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -414
1599136471414    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136471414    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET request to
1599136471416    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 107
1599136471416    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash"]
1599136471417    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136471419    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136471419    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens"]
1599136471419    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens"]
1599136471420    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136471420    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 127
1599136471422    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 3
1599136471422    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash"]
1599136471422    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136471424    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136471607    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136471607    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/token: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136471607    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -607
1599136471607    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136471607    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens"]
1599136471607    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens"]
1599136471608    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Fetching scopedKeys data for
1599136471610    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 3
1599136471610    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash"]
1599136471610    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136471613    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136471614    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136471614    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 84
1599136471874    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136471874    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /account/scoped-key-data: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136471874    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -874
1599136471874    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["scopedKeys"]
1599136471874    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens"]
1599136471874    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens"]
1599136471875    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    DEBUG    Beginning OAuth token exchange:
1599136471875    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET request to
1599136471877    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 3
1599136471877    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136471877    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136471881    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136471908    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET 200
1599136471908    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["profileCache"]
1599136471908    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136471908    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136471908    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    notifying profile changed for user c9da759b69e94e1d9c080ad64d8f329a
1599136471909    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent
1599136471912    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 4
1599136471912    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136471912    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136471916    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136472820    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET 401
1599136472820    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    DEBUG    Got token response: 401
1599136472820    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    INFO    Server-reported error: {"location":"body","name":"","description":"Unauthorized"}
1599136472821    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136472821    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 969
1599136472821    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136472822    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136472822    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136472822    Sync.BrowserIDManager    WARN    Token server returned 401, refreshing certificate and retrying token fetch
1599136472822    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["cert"]
1599136472822    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Getting an assertion from:
1599136472822    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    Getting a token using OAuth
1599136472822    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getAccessToken enter
1599136472822    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getOAuthToken enter
1599136472824    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136472825    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 127
1599136472825    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 3
1599136472825    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136472825    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136472829    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136472830    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136472830    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136472832    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 2
1599136472832    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136472832    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136472835    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136473026    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136473026    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/destroy: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136473026    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -1026
1599136473027    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136473027    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/token: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136473028    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -1028
1599136473028    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136473028    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473028    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473029    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Using cached scopedKeys data for
1599136473029    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    DEBUG    Beginning OAuth token exchange:
1599136473029    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET request to
1599136473032    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 4
1599136473032    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136473032    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136473035    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136473436    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET 401
1599136473436    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    DEBUG    Got token response: 401
1599136473436    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    INFO    Server-reported error: {"location":"body","name":"","description":"Unauthorized"}
1599136473437    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136473437    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 969
1599136473438    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136473438    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473438    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473438    Sync.BrowserIDManager    ERROR    Authentication error in _fetchTokenForUser: {"details":{"now":"2020-09-03T12:34:33.436Z","message":"Authentication failed.","cause":"invalid-credentials","response_body":"{\"status\": \"invalid-credentials\", \"errors\": [{\"location\": \"body\", \"name\": \"\", \"description\": \"Unauthorized\"}]}","response_headers":{"server":"nginx","date":"Thu, 03 Sep 2020 12:34:33 GMT","content-type":"application/json; charset=UTF-8","content-length":"110","x-weave-timestamp":"1599136473.24","x-timestamp":"1599136473","strict-transport-security":"max-age=15768000; includeSubdomains; preload","x-firefox-spdy":"h2"},"response_status":401,"name":"TokenServerClientServerError"},"source":"tokenserver"}
1599136473438    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.login: success.status_ok => error.login.reason.account
1599136473438    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.service: error.login.failed => error.login.failed
1599136473439    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Failed to fetch the cluster URL: {"details":{"now":"2020-09-03T12:34:33.436Z","message":"Authentication failed.","cause":"invalid-credentials","response_body":"{\"status\": \"invalid-credentials\", \"errors\": [{\"location\": \"body\", \"name\": \"\", \"description\": \"Unauthorized\"}]}","response_headers":{"server":"nginx","date":"Thu, 03 Sep 2020 12:34:33 GMT","content-type":"application/json; charset=UTF-8","content-length":"110","x-weave-timestamp":"1599136473.24","x-timestamp":"1599136473","strict-transport-security":"max-age=15768000; includeSubdomains; preload","x-firefox-spdy":"h2"},"response_status":401,"name":"TokenServerClientServerError"},"source":"tokenserver"}
1599136473439    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    Cluster value = null
1599136473439    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.sync: success.sync => error.sync.reason.no_node_found
1599136473439    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.service: error.login.failed => error.sync.failed
1599136473439    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent
1599136473439    Sync.SyncScheduler    DEBUG    Clearing sync triggers and the global score.
1599136473441    Sync.Status    INFO    Resetting Status.
1599136473441    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.service: error.sync.failed => success.status_ok
1599136473441    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent
1599136473442    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Getting keys
1599136473442    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Getting an assertion from:
1599136473442    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    Getting a token using OAuth
1599136473442    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getAccessToken enter
1599136473442    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getOAuthToken enter
1599136473445    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 7
1599136473445    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136473445    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136473448    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136473448    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136473449    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 127
1599136473608    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136473608    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/destroy: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136473608    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -608
1599136473638    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136473638    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/token: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136473638    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -638
1599136473639    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136473639    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473639    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473639    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Using cached scopedKeys data for
1599136473639    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    DEBUG    Beginning OAuth token exchange:
1599136473639    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET request to
1599136473641    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 2
1599136473641    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136473641    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136473645    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136473868    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET 401
1599136473869    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    DEBUG    Got token response: 401
1599136473869    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    INFO    Server-reported error: {"location":"body","name":"","description":"Unauthorized"}
1599136473869    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136473869    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 969
1599136473870    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136473870    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473870    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473871    Sync.BrowserIDManager    WARN    Token server returned 401, refreshing certificate and retrying token fetch
1599136473871    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["cert"]
1599136473871    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Getting an assertion from:
1599136473871    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    Getting a token using OAuth
1599136473871    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getAccessToken enter
1599136473871    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    getOAuthToken enter
1599136473873    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136473873    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 127
1599136473874    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 4
1599136473874    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136473874    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136473880    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136473880    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473880    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136473889    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 9
1599136473889    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136473889    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136473893    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136474036    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136474036    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/destroy: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136474036    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -1036
1599136474052    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST 200
1599136474052    Hawk    DEBUG    (Response) /oauth/token: code: 200 - Status text: OK
1599136474052    Hawk    DEBUG    Clock offset vs -1052
1599136474053    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136474053    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136474053    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136474053    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    Using cached scopedKeys data for
1599136474053    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    DEBUG    Beginning OAuth token exchange:
1599136474053    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET request to
1599136474056    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of json user data - took: 3
1599136474056    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing secure storage: ["kSync","kXCS","kExtSync","kExtKbHash","scopedKeys"]
1599136474056    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of user data to the login manager
1599136474059    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    finished write of user data to the login manager
1599136474453    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    GET 401
1599136474453    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    DEBUG    Got token response: 401
1599136474453    Services.Common.TokenServerClient    INFO    Server-reported error: {"location":"body","name":"","description":"Unauthorized"}
1599136474454    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST request to
1599136474454    Services.Common.RESTRequest    DEBUG    POST Length: 969
1599136474454    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    _updateAccountData with items: ["oauthTokens"]
1599136474454    FirefoxAccounts    DEBUG    writing plain storage: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136474454    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    starting write of json user data: ["email","sessionToken","uid","verified","device","oauthTokens","profileCache"]
1599136474455    Sync.BrowserIDManager    ERROR    Authentication error in _fetchTokenForUser: {"details":{"now":"2020-09-03T12:34:34.453Z","message":"Authentication failed.","cause":"invalid-credentials","response_body":"{\"status\": \"invalid-credentials\", \"errors\": [{\"location\": \"body\", \"name\": \"\", \"description\": \"Unauthorized\"}]}","response_headers":{"server":"nginx","date":"Thu, 03 Sep 2020 12:34:34 GMT","content-type":"application/json; charset=UTF-8","content-length":"110","x-weave-timestamp":"1599136474.28","x-timestamp":"1599136474","strict-transport-security":"max-age=15768000; includeSubdomains; preload","x-firefox-spdy":"h2"},"response_status":401,"name":"TokenServerClientServerError"},"source":"tokenserver"}
1599136474455    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.login: success.login => error.login.reason.account
1599136474455    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.service: success.status_ok => error.login.failed
1599136474455    Sync.BrowserIDManager    INFO    Failed to fetch the cluster URL: {"details":{"now":"2020-09-03T12:34:34.453Z","message":"Authentication failed.","cause":"invalid-credentials","response_body":"{\"status\": \"invalid-credentials\", \"errors\": [{\"location\": \"body\", \"name\": \"\", \"description\": \"Unauthorized\"}]}","response_headers":{"server":"nginx","date":"Thu, 03 Sep 2020 12:34:34 GMT","content-type":"application/json; charset=UTF-8","content-length":"110","x-weave-timestamp":"1599136474.28","x-timestamp":"1599136474","strict-transport-security":"max-age=15768000; includeSubdomains; preload","x-firefox-spdy":"h2"},"response_status":401,"name":"TokenServerClientServerError"},"source":"tokenserver"}
1599136474455    Sync.BrowserIDManager    DEBUG    Cluster value = null
1599136474455    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.sync: success.sync => error.sync.reason.no_node_found
1599136474455    Sync.Status    DEBUG    Status.service: error.login.failed => error.sync.failed
1599136474455    Sync.Synchronizer    INFO    No cluster URL found. Cannot sync.
1599136474457    Sync.SyncScheduler    DEBUG    Next sync in 600000 ms. (why=schedule)
1599136474458    Sync.Telemetry    INFO    Early submission of sync telemetry due to changed IDs/NodeType
1599136474460    FirefoxAccounts    TRACE    not checking freshness of profile as it remains recent

I get the the message it works, if I open the direkt link of my fsync server

in about:config identity.sync.tokenserver.uri i set my server as follow

As I said, it used to work fine a couple of days ago. And on my android phone it is working. How do I know that, on my docker folder, the syncserver.db is changing date and time, so I assume everything is fine.

Thanks for the help
Mozilla macht es einem manchmal wirklich schwer, Firefox "treu" zu bleiben ...

Unter Android ist mit Firefox 87 keine Sync möglich (ich nutze den Container von dojo mit https), mit Firefox Nightly und Firefox Beta geht es hingegen.

Und ich dachte immer, EDV wäre keine Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme sondern ein Arbeitsmittel ... ;-)
Das gleiche beobachte ich hier auch. Gleicher Container und FF Nightly auf Android. Ich habe nun versuchsweise den SyncServer Docker Container von Mozilla aufgesetzt, ist ein klein wenig neuer als der von Dojo, aber auch mit diesem ist kein Sync möglich.

Nach weiterer Recherche, glaube ich, und andere auch, dass das Problem daran liegt, dass die neuen FF nur mehr das https Protokoll unterstützen. Weder der Container noch der von Mozilla bringt eine entsprechende Unterstützung mit. Da ich nur lokal synchronisiere, habe ich auch noch keine Idee, wie ich den Docker Containern nun auch noch SSL Verschlüsselung beibringen könnte.

Von extern, per Reverse Proxy und mit einem eigenen Let's Encrypt Zertifikat, könnte es klappen, nur ist mir das aktuell noch zu aufwendig und v. a. möchte ich auch nicht dass mein SyncServer von extern erreichbar ist. Da könnte ich ja gleich den von Mozilla nutzen.

Vielleicht jemand eine Idee, wie man den Containern nun auch noch SSL Verschlüsselung beibringen kann?
v. a. möchte ich auch nicht dass mein SyncServer von extern erreichbar ist.

Ich habe auf meinen mobilen Android Geräten einen DDNS-Client installiert und lasse nur diese IP am Router zum Firefox Sync Server (bzw. CalDav und CardDav) durch.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.


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