iptables -I INPUT -i tun0 -j DROP
iptables -I OUTPUT -o tun0 -j DROP
The ip checking rule has been changed in DSM4.2. The last digit could not be 0. As a temporary workaround, please set instead. Apologies for your inconvenience.
If you have further questions, please feel free to let us know. Thanks.
Max Jan
Problem Explanation: With new DSM4.2 at Firewall Settings NO Subnet definition possible!!!!
At German Forums as common issue recognized!!!
Thanks for your feedback.
If possible, please let me know how to reproduce this issue. I tried to congiure the subnet in firewall and it works. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Adair Hsu
many thx for feedback.
But I think you are wrong. is a Single Host Entry.
This is from DSM 4.2 excepted, but not a Sub Net Rule definition;
it’s as I said only for a single HOST with this specific IP.
With this entry entire rest Sub Net would be not include in this specific rule.
Sub Net definition end ALLWAYS with a ZERO at the end.
In this case
Please look also in the international Synology forum, ther is this issue since 6. of March a record trace.
Thanks for your feedback.
The developer confirmed that the ip checking rule has been changed in DSM4.2.
The last digit could not be 0. As a temporary workaround, please set instead.
Apologies for your inconvenience.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Adair Hsu
Eine andere Lösung gibt's noch nicht - aber da auf dem Synology-Server vor wenigen Tagen im DSM4.2-Ordner gearbeitet wurde, könnte man vermuten, dass in Kürze eine neue Version herauskommt, wo das vermutlich behoben sein wird.Gibt es zu dem Thema jetzt schon was neues.
Bin jetzt auch bei dem fehler da ich eine neue regel anlegen wollte.
Muss ich die Firewall regeln manuell bearbeiten oder gibt es schon eine andere lösung?
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