Dear Sir or madame,
we are thinking about buying a NAS for our office.
But I want the the NAS to have FULL groupware features (like Zarafa) with activesync and Outlook connector.
Are you planning to release such a feature in the near future like QNAP already has?
I would like to stay with synology because i already use a synology product at home.
Hi ,
Thank you for the feedback.
After consulting with our PM team, unfortunately, this feature hasn't been supported and tested yet. And we do not have a timeline on when it might be implemented. However, there is one thing for certain, this suggestion of yours has certainly caught our attention. We have put this suggestion in our enhancement database for our developers further analysis.
If you need to suggest more features, you could also submit the following form to let the PM team know your ideas:
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we wish you a happy new year!
Best regards,
...zumal der Konkurrent QNAP ja bereits Zarafa integriert hat.
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