Ich möchte mir eine BackUp Lösung für zuhause basteln. Zuerst wollte ich mir etwas mit einem RasPi und externen Festplatten zusammenschrauben, aber dann habe von einen Freund den Tipp bekommen, mir Synology anzuschauen. Mein Plan ist ein Synology DS120j zu kaufen und da eine 4 oder 6 TB Festplatte reinzutun. Meine Frage ist ob das von der Software Seite aus auch so funktioniert wie ich mir das vorstelle mit mehreren PCs und über WLAN. Also die Synology box hänge ich ans LAN, aber den Laptop nicht unbedingt. Und welche Software brauche ich für meine Anforderungen (siehe Auflistung unten)?
What to back up? ------------
- Laptop
> ~ 2 TB HD
- Gaming-PC
> ~ 2 TB SSD (C drive with mostly only windows on it)
> ~ 2 TB HD
- 3rd PC
> ~ 150 GB (data of other family member on their machine)
When to back up? ------------
- Daily file backup
- monthly image backup
How to back up? -------------
- automatic (NAS)
> I want the back up to run without me doing anything once everything is setup.
This includes not having to plug in external HDs every day. So I'm looking for a NAS solution.
- "Push notification"
> If the external hard drive breaks down and needs to be replaced, I want the software to inform me.
I don't want to check on the external drive manually because I know that if nothing happens for some years, I will eventually stop checking.
Something that just tells me the state of the external drive every time I boot my Laptop, would already be enough.
Why to back up? -------------
- Hardware failure
> My Laptop is ~5 years old and the HD in the gaming-pc is from an old pc that was standing in a corner for ages.
So, I'm most worried about the Laptop/HD just stop working one day and I quickly need to setup an replacement.
- Software failure
> Malware is of course also a concern, but less then the hardware failure.
How much back up? -----------
- RAID 1(?)
> I'm on a tight budget so, I can't buy the most fancy option. I want one external hard drive to back up all devices.
Since the data is on the original device and the external HD, that is technical RAID 1, right?
I think the chances of both the original and the external HD failing at the same time is low enough.
What solution for back up? --
- Hardware
> Synology DS120j (https://www.digitec.ch/en/s1/product/synology-ds120j-nas-12200422)
> WD Red Plus 4 or 6 TB (https://www.digitec.ch/en/s1/product/wd-red-plus-4-tb-35-cmr-hard-drives-22886688)
- Software
> Well that is the big question that I haven't answered yet.
What to back up? ------------
- Laptop
> ~ 2 TB HD
- Gaming-PC
> ~ 2 TB SSD (C drive with mostly only windows on it)
> ~ 2 TB HD
- 3rd PC
> ~ 150 GB (data of other family member on their machine)
When to back up? ------------
- Daily file backup
- monthly image backup
How to back up? -------------
- automatic (NAS)
> I want the back up to run without me doing anything once everything is setup.
This includes not having to plug in external HDs every day. So I'm looking for a NAS solution.
- "Push notification"
> If the external hard drive breaks down and needs to be replaced, I want the software to inform me.
I don't want to check on the external drive manually because I know that if nothing happens for some years, I will eventually stop checking.
Something that just tells me the state of the external drive every time I boot my Laptop, would already be enough.
Why to back up? -------------
- Hardware failure
> My Laptop is ~5 years old and the HD in the gaming-pc is from an old pc that was standing in a corner for ages.
So, I'm most worried about the Laptop/HD just stop working one day and I quickly need to setup an replacement.
- Software failure
> Malware is of course also a concern, but less then the hardware failure.
How much back up? -----------
- RAID 1(?)
> I'm on a tight budget so, I can't buy the most fancy option. I want one external hard drive to back up all devices.
Since the data is on the original device and the external HD, that is technical RAID 1, right?
I think the chances of both the original and the external HD failing at the same time is low enough.
What solution for back up? --
- Hardware
> Synology DS120j (https://www.digitec.ch/en/s1/product/synology-ds120j-nas-12200422)
> WD Red Plus 4 or 6 TB (https://www.digitec.ch/en/s1/product/wd-red-plus-4-tb-35-cmr-hard-drives-22886688)
- Software
> Well that is the big question that I haven't answered yet.