/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ----------------- Configuration Area ----------------- */
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */
$doOCR = true;
$doRenameAfterOCR = true;
$doTagging = true;
// files which match this rule are considered to be OCR'd
$matchWithoutOCR = "Scan*"; // without file extension .pdf
// files which match this regex are considered for automatic rename
$OCRPrefix = "OCR_"; // without file extension .pdf
// ocrmypdf options
// -s don't OCR pages with text again
// -r automatically rotate pages based on detected text orientation
// -l language (deu,enu,...)
// example: docker run --rm -u 1026 -v "/volume1/docker/ocr:/home/docker" jbarlow83/ocrmypdf -l deu Scan.pdf Out.pdf
$ocropt = "-sr -l deu";
$dockercontainer = "jbarlow83/ocrmypdf";
// here are freshly scanned documents. to be OCR'd and renamed.
$inboxfolder = "/volume1/homes/Hessi/Dokumente/Scans/_inbox";
// Set $archivefolder to the folder which contains your documents for tagging.
// Without trailing (back)slash!
$archivefolder = "/volume1/homes/Hessi/Dokumente/Scans";
// recycle-bin
$recyclebin = "/volume1/homes/Hessi/Dokumente/Scans/#recycle";
// In $tagsfolder your tags will be created. Please use a fresh folder.
// Everything here is subject to be deleted! Without trailing (back)slash!
$tagsfolder = "/volume1/homes/Hessi/Dokumente/Scans/tags";
// $logfile is the path to a logfile OR "syslog" OR "stdout"
//$logfile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/FileBasedMiniDMS.log";
$logfile = "/volume1/homes/Hessi/Dokumente/Scans/_inbox/FileBasedMiniDMS.log";
// $loglevel can be 0 (none), 3 (error), 6 (info), 7 (all)
$loglevel = 7;
// $timezone. just for logging purposes.
$timezone = 'Europe/Berlin';
// first match is used
$renamerules = array(
// "rule" => "name"
"Meldebescheinigung&Sozialversicherung" => "Meldebescheinigung Sozialversicherung",
"Grundsteuerbescheid" => "Grundsteuerbescheid",
"Finanzamt" => "Finanzamt",
"LBS&Bauspar" => "LBS Bausparen",
"Deka&Jahresdepotauszug" => "Deka Jahresdepotauszug",
"Deka" => "Deka",
"Sparkasse&Dividende&Depot" => "Sparkasse Aktiendepot Dividende",
"Apotheke" => "Apotheke",
"Erdgas&Jahresrechnung" => "Erdgas Jahresrechnung",
"Zahnarzt" => "Zahnarzt",
"PVS BW" => "Arztrechnung PVS",
"Arzt,Ärztin" => "Arzt",
"Heilpraktiker" => "Heilpraktiker",
"Kindergarten" => "Kindergarten",
"Karlsruher SC" => "KSC Dokumente",
"Elternabend" => "KigaDokumente",
// all are applied and concaternated
$tagrules = array(
// "tag" => "rule"
"#Hessi" => "Hessi&Weiss",
"#rechnung" => "Rechnung",
"#beitragsanpassung" => "Beitragsanpassung",