Also ich hab mir das x86.spk installiert das log ist nicht besser, die Version ist zu alt:
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO starte pyLoad 0.4.9
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Benutze Home-Verzeichnis: /volume1/@appstore/pyload/var/config
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Remote activated: True
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG created index of plugins
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ImageTyperz -> userplugins.hooks.ImageTyperz
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.LinkdecrypterCom -> userplugins.hooks.LinkdecrypterCom
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.BypassCaptcha -> userplugins.hooks.BypassCaptcha
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ExternalScripts -> userplugins.hooks.ExternalScripts
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UnSkipOnFail -> userplugins.hooks.UnSkipOnFail
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.XFileSharingPro -> userplugins.hooks.XFileSharingPro
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.Checksum -> userplugins.hooks.Checksum
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Checksum: Checksum validation is disabled in general configuration
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.ExtractArchive -> userplugins.hooks.ExtractArchive
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.internal.UnRar -> userplugins.internal.UnRar
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO ExtractArchive: Aktiviert UnRar UnZip
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.CaptchaTrader -> userplugins.hooks.CaptchaTrader
01.09.2018 23:53:00 DEBUG Redirected import module.plugins.hooks.UpdateManager -> userplugins.hooks.UpdateManager
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Aktivierte Plugins: BypassCaptcha, CaptchaTrader, Checksum, ClickAndLoad, ExternalScripts, ExtractArchive, ImageTyperz, LinkdecrypterCom, UnSkipOnFail, UpdateManager, XFileSharingPro
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Deaktivierte Plugins: AlldebridCom, Captcha9kw, CaptchaBrotherhood, DeathByCaptcha, DownloadScheduler, EasybytezCom, Ev0InFetcher, ExpertDecoders, HotFolder, IRCInterface, MergeFiles, MultiHome, MultishareCz, Premium4Me, PremiumizeMe, RealdebridCom, RehostTo, ReloadCc, XMPPInterface, ZeveraCom
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Downloadzeit: True
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Starte ThriftBackend:
01.09.2018 23:53:00 ERROR Error importing lightweight server: No module named bjoern
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Free space: 12.16 GiB
01.09.2018 23:53:00 WARNING You need to download and compile bjoern,
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Activating Accounts...
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Activating Plugins...
01.09.2018 23:53:00 WARNING Copy the to module/lib folder or use install
01.09.2018 23:53:00 WARNING Of course you need to be familiar with linux and know how to compile software
01.09.2018 23:53:00 INFO Starting builtin webserver:
01.09.2018 23:53:01 ERROR LinkdecrypterCom: Crypter list not found
01.09.2018 23:53:01 DEBUG XFileSharingPro: Pattern loaded - handling 79 hosters
01.09.2018 23:53:01 INFO pyLoad is up and running
01.09.2018 23:53:03 INFO *** New pyLoad Version <html><head><title>Loading...</title></head><body><script type='text/javascript'>window.location.replace('');</script></body></html> available ***
01.09.2018 23:53:03 INFO *** Get it here: ***