Syno DSM Extractor GUI for Windows

I tested this Rekommandation from Sp1derman

i deinstalled Ubuntu - reinstalled Ubuntu 24.04
try to use my usual Username of Windows for the Ubuntu and get a Failure Message in the CMD
My Username Starts with a Big Letter and only smal / lower Letters are accepted as first Letter.
so i inserted the Username starting with a smal Letter and the Pass is accepted without any failures
I do not want a adtional User in Windows - so I Changed in Windows my first Letter of my User to smal / lower and reboot
Started all
reinstall script and Libraries
and it works

to confirm and due to other Apps on system i renamed my User back to the original Format with first High Letter / reboot
And its not working any more
Tried to install a additional user with my Username just with a low first Letter - and Windows fails and says User exist already ..... but exist with a high first Letter - so for windows there is no real Difference

I can confirm too that all Trouble is based on Usernames and Logins
Would be great if that can be solves
Suggestion -
1. fix of Username Bug
2 Automatic Insert of Password
3. selection of destination Folder - (source File not deleted)
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I think the easiest solution to fix the username bug would be:
  1. Create /sde folder with permissions 777
  2. Change SDE-GUI.exe to use /sde instead of the sde folder in Ubuntu user's home folder.
That would mean:
  1. Usernames aren't needed.
  2. sudo isn't needed, so no need to enter your password.
  3. Extraction will be faster as there's no need to wait 10 seconds for the user to enter a password.
  4. The powershell window can be hidden. Though I would need to capture it's output and show the output.
  5. There'd be no need to ask if the user wants to close the powershell window.
Adding a setting to set a destination folder for the extracted files will easy. I could add a "Extract to..." context menu option so you can choose a different destination folder for each pat or spk file when you extract it.

Or maybe I'll add an "Extract to" choice in the main window below the "Select file". And the Out Path will be auto populated by the last path used if "Extract to same folder as pat/spk file" is unchecked.

Your Idea sounds good with the SDE Folder .... may in C - Programs x86
and the "Extract to" would be great
Try this test version.

It has a password setting. If the Ubuntu password is set it automatically enters the password in the WSL window.

And if "Extract to same folder as pat/spk file" is not ticked you get to choose where to extract it to. The "Out Path" defaults to the last path used so you don't have to select a folder each time if you want to use the same folder. Each pat and/or spk file is extracted to it's own subfolder.

It also now does "sudo -s" first so it always has permission to "cd /" which should solve the "user bug".

To prevent the issue @maxblank had it now uses /sde with permissions set to 777 instead of /home/<username>/sde
This change requires you to create the /sde folder with the 777 permissions:
  1. Open the Ubuntu WSL shell window.
  2. Open the Ubuntu WSL shell window and Enter the following command and press Enter:
    sudo mkdir -m 777 /sde

  3. Then Install Scripts.
  4. And Install Libraries.
PS There are still some things I want fix or improve before I release it properly with an installer etc.

And I just discovered a bug in v1.1.2.30 :confused: If "Extract to same folder as pat/spk file" is not ticked it does not move the extracted files to the selected folder.

Fixed in v1.1.2.31. Link in previous comment.
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PPS There is a bug in v1.1.2.31
If "Extract to same folder as pat/spk file" is not ticked it move the extracted files to the location where the pat/spk is instead of the selected folder.

I'll release v1.1.2.32 tomorrow. It's getting late here, I'm tired, and making too many mistakes.
Why would one want to extract those .spk or .pat files at all?
ATM, I see no practical use behind this,do you?
If we didn't see any benefit in it, then we wouldn't be discussing and testing it here. 😉
If you don't see any benefit in it, why are you interested?
No offense here on my side, sorry if it sound to rude, but I just was after the use case of such a tool and did not see one so far, at least for my person, in a first run.

But, I always try to learn sthg. new of course and @TN-Notebooks already gave an example where this tool may become handy.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
But, I always try to learn
No problem, all good. I see the following case where experienced analysts can look at the packages and updates to find undiscovered vulnerabilities.
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Reaktionen: DaveR
A new version is available:
  • Added "Extract To" option
  • Added setting for sudo password
  • Changed to automatically insert sudo password into WSL window
  • Bug fix for "Failed to cd /" when Windows username and Ubuntu user name are different
  • Bug fix for sometimes being unable to access Ubuntu /home//sde folder
  • Changed to show "No files to extract" instead of "Finished" if there was nothing extracted
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Reaktionen: Yippie und maxblank
Did a new wsl-installation with other credentials than on Windows host. X: is Ubuntu mapping. put in the user and pw in extractor-settings.
Copying scripts / libraries does not work, program tries to create X:\sde\ instead of X:\home\user\sde.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
It's supposed to create X:\sde\ instead of X:\home\user\sde. In the latest version I changed it to X:\sde to avoid issues copying files to home.

I've finally found the bug that causes the "Failed to cd to /" error when the PC username and Unbuntu username are different. I had to uninstall WSL, reboot and install WSL with a different user to reproduce the bug. I could have just created a new user in Ubuntu but I wanted to start from scratch.

The cause of the bug was 1 line had "%%username" instead of "%%sdeuser".

I'll have a new version online soon. I'm just working on the last of these changes:
  • Bug fix for "Failed to cd /" when Windows username and Ubuntu user name are different.
  • Changed to ensure warnings ar not hidden behind the WSL window.
  • Bug fix for installer not creating Quick Launch shortcut when selected.
  • Added option to automatically check for newer version when Syno DSM Extractor GUI is opened.
  • Moved "Extract to same folder as pat/spk file" checkbox to main window.
but creating X:\sde\ failed, so the scripts anf libraries can't be copied.
Did you create the X:\sde directory from the Ubuntu shell like it says on the release page?
The next release will actually say:
sudo mkdir -m 777 -p /sde/in /sde/out /sde/lib

New release: version

  • Added option to automatically check for newer version when Syno DSM Extractor GUI is opened.
  • Added View Log menu (in Help menu).
  • Added status bar to show the result.
  • Moved "Extract to same folder as pat/spk file" checkbox to main window.
  • Changed to ensure warnings are not hidden behind the WSL window.
  • Now creates in, out and lib folders if they are missing.
  • Bug fix for "Failed to cd /" when Windows username and Ubuntu user name are different.
  • Bug fix for installer not creating Quick Launch shortcut when selected.
  • Bug fix for sending file to already open window.
Readme page updated to suit v1.3.0.34
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Reaktionen: Skyhigh und maxblank

New release: version

  • Changed to auto close the WSL window if there were no errors and "Show WSL window" is not ticked.
  • Removed "Do you want to close WSL window" prompt.
  • Updated the installer's Getting Started page to show the command to create the sde folders.
  • Bug fix for needing to click [X] button twice to close app after About dialog was show and closed.
  • Bug fix for app not closing when clicking [X] if Settings or About dialogs are open.
Readme page:
Did you create the X:\sde directory from the Ubuntu shell like it says on the release page?

Umpfff, nope, I missed that part.....

I just tested and had one issue.
Folder "/sde" also needs mask 777, otherwise you can't copy the scripts to /sde.
So changing
"sudo mkdir -m 777 -p /sde/in /sde/out /sde/lib"
"sudo mkdir -m 777 -p /sde /sde/in /sde/out /sde/lib"
will prevent the Copy-Error.

It's working like expected, great job Dave!
You can now take a non-Windows-User for the wsl-subsystem, that makes it much easier.
Output-Path is working.
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Reaktionen: DaveR

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