Danke vielmals, jetzt hat sich die Fehlermeldung zumindest verändert...
Noch eine Idee?
PROCESSING: ? Scan_20200310_0002.pdf (Tue Mar 10 19:54:02 CET 2020)
temp. target file: /tmp/tmp.WcJXfhafjZ/Scan_20200310_0002.pdf
INFO - reading file from standard input
INFO - Start processing 2 pages concurrent
ERROR - 2: GPL Ghostscript 9.27: **** Could not open temporary file /tmp/gs_eA4J73
GPL Ghostscript 9.27: Could not open the scratch file /tmp/gs_eA4J73.
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
ERROR - SubprocessOutputError: Ghostscript rasterizing failed
?? failed! (target file is empty or not available)
?? move to ERRORFILES
PROCESSING: ? Scan_20200303_0001.pdf (Tue Mar 10 19:56:03 CET 2020)
temp. target file: /tmp/tmp.A8P1pV1Ait/Scan_20200303_0001.pdf
INFO - reading file from standard input
INFO - Start processing 2 pages concurrent
ERROR - GPL Ghostscript 9.27: **** Could not open temporary file /tmp/gs_pXG6R0
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
ERROR - SubprocessOutputError: Ghostscript PDF/A rendering failed
?? failed! (target file is empty or not available)
?? move to ERRORFILES
PROCESSING: ? Scan_20200303_0002.pdf (Tue Mar 10 20:00:39 CET 2020)
temp. target file: /tmp/tmp.orJvriQoay/Scan_20200303_0002.pdf
INFO - reading file from standard input
INFO - Using Tesseract OpenMP thread limit 2
WARNING - 1: 1: [tesseract] took too long to OCR - skipping
ERROR - GPL Ghostscript 9.27: **** Could not open temporary file /tmp/gs_Nrodll
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
ERROR - SubprocessOutputError: Ghostscript PDF/A rendering failed
?? failed! (target file is empty or not available)