* File : config.php
* Project : Z-Push
* Descr : Main configuration file
* Created : 01.10.2007
* Consult LICENSE file for details
* Default settings
// Defines the default time zone, change e.g. to "Europe/London" if necessary
define('TIMEZONE', '');
// Defines the base path on the server
define('BASE_PATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']). '/');
// Try to set unlimited timeout
define('SCRIPT_TIMEOUT', 0);
//Max size of attachments to display inline. Default is 1MB
define('MAX_EMBEDDED_SIZE', 1048576);
define('USE_SHARED_MEM', false);
* Default FileStateMachine settings
define('STATE_DIR', BASE_PATH.'/state/');
* Logging settings
define('LOGFILEDIR', BASE_PATH.'/');
define('LOGFILE', LOGFILEDIR . 'z-push.log');
define('LOGERRORFILE', LOGFILEDIR . 'z-push-error.log');
define('LOGAUTHFAIL', false);
// To save e.g. WBXML data only for selected users, add the usernames to the array
// The data will be saved into a dedicated file per user in the LOGFILEDIR
$specialLogUsers = array();
* Mobile settings
// Device Provisioning
define('PROVISIONING', true);
// This option allows the 'loose enforcement' of the provisioning policies for older
// devices which don't support provisioning (like WM 5 and HTC Android Mail) - dw2412 contribution
// false (default) - Enforce provisioning for all devices
// true - allow older devices, but enforce policies on devices which support it
define('LOOSE_PROVISIONING', false);
// Default conflict preference
// Some devices allow to set if the server or PIM (mobile)
// should win in case of a synchronization conflict
// SYNC_CONFLICT_OVERWRITE_SERVER - Server is overwritten, PIM wins
// SYNC_CONFLICT_OVERWRITE_PIM - PIM is overwritten, Server wins (default)
// Global limitation of items to be synchronized
// The mobile can define a sync back period for calendar and email items
// For large stores with many items the time period could be limited to a max value
// If the mobile transmits a wider time period, the defined max value is used
// Applicable values:
// SYNC_FILTERTYPE_ALL (default, no limitation)
// Interval in seconds before checking if there are changes on the server when in Ping.
// It means the highest time span before a change is pushed to a mobile. Set it to
// a higher value if you have a high load on the server.
define('PING_INTERVAL', 30);
// Interval in seconds to force a re-check of potentially missed notifications when
// using a changes sink. Default are 300 seconds (every 5 min).
// This can also be disabled by setting it to false
define('SINK_FORCERECHECK', 300);
* Backend settings
// The data providers that we are using (see configuration below)
define('BACKEND_PROVIDER', "BackendZarafa");
// ************************
// BackendZarafa settings
// ************************
// Defines the server to which we want to connect
define('MAPI_SERVER', 'file:///var/run/zarafa');
// ************************
// BackendIMAP settings
// ************************
// Defines the server to which we want to connect
define('IMAP_SERVER', 'localhost');
// connecting to default port (143)
define('IMAP_PORT', 143);
// best cross-platform compatibility (see http://php.net/imap_open for options)
define('IMAP_OPTIONS', '/notls/norsh');
// overwrite the "from" header if it isn't set when sending emails
// options: 'username' - the username will be set (usefull if your login is equal to your emailaddress)
// 'domain' - the value of the "domain" field is used
// '@mydomain.com' - the username is used and the given string will be appended
define('IMAP_DEFAULTFROM', '');
// copy outgoing mail to this folder. If not set z-push will try the default folders
define('IMAP_SENTFOLDER', '');
// forward messages inline (default false - as attachment)
define('IMAP_INLINE_FORWARD', false);
// use imap_mail() to send emails (default) - if false mail() is used
define('IMAP_USE_IMAPMAIL', true);
// ************************
// BackendMaildir settings
// ************************
define('MAILDIR_BASE', '/tmp');
define('MAILDIR_SUBDIR', 'Maildir');
// **********************
// BackendVCardDir settings
// **********************
define('VCARDDIR_DIR', '/home/%u/.kde/share/apps/kabc/stdvcf');
* Search provider settings
* Alternative backend to perform SEARCH requests (GAL search)
* By default the main Backend defines the preferred search functionality.
* If set, the Search Provider will always be preferred.
* Use 'BackendSearchLDAP' to search in a LDAP directory (see backend/searchldap/config.php)
define('SEARCH_PROVIDER', '');
// Time in seconds for the server search. Setting it too high might result in timeout.
// Setting it too low might not return all results. Default is 10.
define('SEARCH_WAIT', 10);
// The maximum number of results to send to the client. Setting it too high
// might result in timeout. Default is 10.
define('SEARCH_MAXRESULTS', 10);
* Synchronize additional folders to all mobiles
* With this feature, special folders can be synchronized to all mobiles.
* This is useful for e.g. global company contacts.
* This feature is supported only by certain devices, like iPhones.
* Check the compatibility list for supported devices:
* http://z-push.sf.net/compatibility
* To synchronize a folder, add a section setting all parameters as below:
* store: the ressource where the folder is located.
* Zarafa users use 'SYSTEM' for the 'Public Folder'
* folderid: folder id of the folder to be synchronized
* name: name to be displayed on the mobile device
* type: supported types are:
* Additional notes:
* - on Zarafa systems use backend/zarafa/listfolders.php script to get a list
* of available folders
* - all Z-Push users must have full writing permissions (secretary rights) so
* the configured folders can be synchronized to the mobile
* - this feature is only partly suitable for multi-tenancy environments,
* as ALL users from ALL tenents need access to the configured store & folder.
* When configuring a public folder, this will cause problems, as each user has
* a different public folder in his tenant, so the folder are not available.
* - changing this configuration could cause HIGH LOAD on the system, as all
* connected devices will be updated and load the data contained in the
* added/modified folders.
$additionalFolders = array(
// demo entry for the synchronization of contacts from the public folder.
// uncomment (remove '/*' '*/') and fill in the folderid
'store' => "SYSTEM",
'folderid' => "",
'name' => "Public Contacts",