DS412+ und Teamspeak 3

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Hi helias00,

Sorry to reply in english but, I've translated the whole thread and I only speak english.
I've found a way to make server 3.0.8 working, just replace "libts3db_sqlite3.so" and "libts3db_mysql.so" from 3.0.8 by the one included in, it works perfectly that way.
Tested on my DS713+, it's as stable as was.

Hope that will help you !
Sorry to reply in english but, I've translated the whole thread and I only speak english.
I've found a way to make server 3.0.8 working, just replace "libts3db_sqlite3.so" and "libts3db_mysql.so" from 3.0.8 by the one included in, it works perfectly that way.
Tested on my DS713+, it's as stable as was.

also das hat bei mir nicht funktioniert. !!
Hey Logan!
Thanks for your suggestion! Unfortunately it doesn't work with my DS412+. As Doppelter Wolf states, it doesn't work with his DS either.
I tried replacing "libts3db_sqlite3.so" and "libts3db_mysql.so" with both the version and the version, but neither would work. The .spk files are installed properly and show up at DSM package centre, but the TS3 server doesn't start, neither via DSM nor via SSH. The server dumps the core every time after "checking database integrity". Did you alter anything within the original "teamspeak3-server_linux-x86" 3.0.8 directory besides the "libts3db_sqlite3.so" and "libts3db_mysql.so"?


Einfach "libts3db_sqlite3.so" und "libts3db_mysql.so" aus dem Paket in das 3.0.8 Paket schieben, funktioniert bei meiner DSM412+ auch nicht. Der TS3-Server lässt sich zwar installieren, aber nicht starten und hängt sich bei "checking database integrity" auf.
Hi helias00,

No, I just did replaced that two files. But, I updated the server from and not tried to install it from scratch. I will upload my two packages ( and 3.0.8) and some screenshot tonight when i'll be back home ;)
okay, that's interesting, because there shouldn't be any difference beetween overwriting all the files except the ts3dbs with the 3.0.8 files (which you basically did by updating) and overwriting only the ts3dbs in the 3.0.8 package with the ones (which I did by compiling a new .spk). It would make a difference if there were any files in the package they removed in the 3.0.8 version, but as far as I can tell the 3.0.8 version didn't remove anything. However, they added some new files and updated existing ones, in which case it shouldn't make a difference.
Well, I will try an update anyway later. I'm really curious about this packages and screenshots ;)
did you have mysql5 installed with ipkg?
hat er zufällig Mysql5 Installiert per IPKG?
I don't think, MySQL 5 would change anything. Teamspeak uses SQlite by default and if you want the application to store its database as MySQL rather than SQlite, you have edit the default configuration. In fact, teamspeak supports both database structures, but SQlite is the default and if you don't change anything in the standart configuration, teamspeak won't use MySQL. The interesting question now is, if you have added any SQlite installations to your system, e.g. by IPKG or manually...?
Besides, the "libts3db_sqlite3.so" und "libts3db_mysql.so" plugins should make it unnecessary to install any further mysql/sqlite packages at all. Otherwise it would make absolute no sense to include plugins, if they don't contain all the libraries the applicition needs to run properly.

Teamspeak verwendet standartmäßig SQlite. MySQL muss man gesondert aktivieren, auch wenn TS MySQL unterstützt. Insofern dürfte eine MySQL 5 Installation nichts bewirken. Die spannende Frage wäre eher, ob er SQlite installiert hat.
Außerdem sind dem Paket ja gerade die beiden Plugins "libts3db_sqlite3.so" und "libts3db_mysql.so" beigefügt, damit man eben nicht extra SQlite/MySQL installieren, sondern alle Komponenten, die eben TS braucht, schon integriert sind.
ich denke es fehlt einfach ein libary.

Habs grad ausprobiert, sowohl mit dem unmodifizierten 3.0.8 Paket als auch mit dem 3.0.8-Paket+ "libts3db_sqlite3.so" und "libts3db_mysql.so". Beim unmodifzierten Paket gibts weiterhin nen critical database error und beim modifizierten startet zwar der Server, hängt sich aber direkt am Anfang immer auf, und zwar unabhängig ob ich die beiden zusätzlichen libs reinkopiere oder nicht.
Here's what I promised : : http://www6.zippyshare.com/v/74782856/file.html
3.0.8 : http://www6.zippyshare.com/v/37923135/file.html
Screen 1 : [img=http://www6.zippyshare.com/thumb/16445093/file.html][/img]
Screen 2 : [img=http://www6.zippyshare.com/thumb/69546347/file.html][/img]

What I did :
Installed, got Admin token validated, created a channel, edited a channel name. Then I installed my modded 3.0.8 over.

For you information, I'm running a DS713+ on DSM 4.3-3776.

Thank you, Logan! I have spent three hours trying basically every possible way to update/install/modify my ts3server to get v308 to work, but it simply won't. When I update v3072 manually (meaning, stopping the server an copying the v308 package over my existing installation except the libts3dbs of course) and restart the server, then my ssh-client tells me "... TS3 server started, for details please view the log file". At a first glance it looks like it worked, but when I tried connecting with a client, it didn't get a connection. Server query didn't work either, so I took a view at the log file. There I saw the same as in my original post (see screenshot at #159). The server froze again at "checking database integrity (may take a while)". To be sure, I gave my DSM half an hour to check database integrity in case this would be such a huge task, but nothing changed. So basically, updating my v3072 to v308 or installing v308 from scratch doesn't make any difference to my DSM 412+. Then I tried the same thing with the additional two libraries Wolf posted above, but this changed nothing either.

To be sure, I tried your .spk, too (update AND new installation), but same result as with "my" v308. I took a deeper view into your "teamspeak3-server_linux-x86" directory from the v308.spk and my v308 "teamspeak3-server_linux-x86" directory with v3072 libts3db files. I couldn't see any difference concerning additional, altered or missing files. Timestamps, names and size seemed to be absolutely the same. As well both directories have exactly the same size over all, however they build different checksums (no idea, why).

Well, I feel like I'm at my wits' end. Obviously your v308 server is running fine and you can enter it regulary, while mine won't proceed beyond the step I described above, although I apparently did just like you. For now I restored my v3072 backup and my ts3 server is running fine again. The only remaining possibilty seems to be that you have modified your DS in a way which enables the v308 ts server to work properly. Maybe some sqlite libraries for some other application? Any IPKG packages? I admit, that I have not the faintest idea what the cause could be...
Hi Helias00,

The weird thing is, my NAS is 100% stock and just a month old... I replaced my old DS 109+ by the end of August.
As DS412+ and DS713+ share the same datasheet, except HDD slots, I really can't see what's going wrong :rolleyes:
Hallo Leute,

ich habe heute mal das TS3 Paket von LoganMcClay auf meiner 2411+ installiert, ausgeführt (lief alles) danach einfach gestoppt, und über WinSCP (Putty sollte auch gehen) einfach alle Dateien im Verzeichnis "teamspeak3-server_linux-x86" ducrh die 3.0.8 ersetzt (die Dateien "libts3db_sqlite3.so" und "libts3db_mysql.so") habe ich von der belassen und nicht überschrieben.

Es funktioniert so bei mir.
Im Paketmanager wird zwar noch die angezeigt aber im TS3 Client steht die aktuelle 3.0.8 Serverversion.

Gruß Aevin
So, wie ich sehe ist nun auch der Server 3.0.10 erschienen. Hat den schon jemand installiert ?
Thank you for your answer, but does not work on my DS :(... its start and then stop :(...
I think i use only this work perfectly...

bei mir funzt es auch super seite hier.

Jetzt hab ich noch eine Frage wie kann ich eine erworbene Lizenz aufspielen?

bei mir funzt es auch

Jetzt hab ich noch eine Frage wie kann ich eine erworbene Lizenz aufspielen?

Was funktioniert bei dir ? Die neueste Version 3.0.10 ?

Eine Lizenzdatei kopierst einfach in den TS3 Ordner hinein. Habe selber eine Non Profitlizenz installiert.

Gruß Aevin
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