Heute hat Synology für DS107e, DS107, DS107+, DS207, CS407e, CS407, und RS407 Modelle eine neue Beta Firmware herausgebracht.
Was alles neu ist:
This release added various new features such as Audio Station, File Station, and Photo Station 2+video. With Audio Station, users can now not only enjoy listening to music with Synology Remote in an innovative way, but also have the liberty to manage their play lists and personalize their radio program with a web browser. File Station allows users to access and manage files anywhere from Internet. At last, users can view video on the web with Photo Station 2+video, not bothering to download it to the desktop first. Other features include PPPoe connection, DDNS support, and Rsync support.
Mehr Informationen gibt es hier: http://www.synology.com/enu/support/beta/Synology_x07_049x_2007.php
Heute hat Synology für DS107e, DS107, DS107+, DS207, CS407e, CS407, und RS407 Modelle eine neue Beta Firmware herausgebracht.
Was alles neu ist:
This release added various new features such as Audio Station, File Station, and Photo Station 2+video. With Audio Station, users can now not only enjoy listening to music with Synology Remote in an innovative way, but also have the liberty to manage their play lists and personalize their radio program with a web browser. File Station allows users to access and manage files anywhere from Internet. At last, users can view video on the web with Photo Station 2+video, not bothering to download it to the desktop first. Other features include PPPoe connection, DDNS support, and Rsync support.
Mehr Informationen gibt es hier: http://www.synology.com/enu/support/beta/Synology_x07_049x_2007.php