Speicherpool durcheinander gebracht - brauche Hilfe

With 4 different size drives you have 7.3TB unusable. SHR-2 requires 4 or more drives of each size before you get to use the extra space.

6TB of each of your 12TB and 8TB drives are being used for redundancy. The other 6TB and 2TB is wasted.

Hidden by SHR-2 you basically have:
  • A RAID 6 array of 6 x 4TB from each drive.
  • A RAID 6 array of 4 x 2TB from the 12TB and 8TB drives.
  • 2 x 6TB redundancy.
  • 6TB of the 12TB drive unusable.
  • 2TB of the 8TB drive unusable.
If you delete the hot spare and add it to the SHR-2 storage pool you will only get an extra 6TB to use, and you'd now have 12.7TB unusable!

I would either:
  • Replace the 12TB with a 6TB, remove the 12TB hot spare, and use the 2 x 12TB drives in a USB dock for backups.
  • or remove the 12TB hot spare and add it to the storage pool, and plan on eventually replacing the 2 remaining 4TB drives with 12TB drives which will give you 0TB unusable.
  • or backup everything, delete the storage pool and start again with SHR-1.
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Reaktionen: maxblank
If you delete the hot spare and add it to the SHR-2 storage pool you will only get an extra 4TB to use, and you'd now have 12.7TB unusable!
Nein es sind dann 6 TB (ca. 5,5 TiB) zusätzlich nutzbar. Der RAID-Rechner sagt da 23,6 statt 18,1 TiB. (Es werden dort die falschen Präfixe verwendet [Leider nicht nur dort.])
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Reaktionen: DaveR
Thanks. I'm glad you spotted my typo. When I previewed my reply I spotted one 4TB typo and changed it to 6TB but I missed that second 4TB.

Math is hard when I've just woken up :confused:
Die Speichergröße ist für mich momentan nicht so wichtig. Zunächst einmal geht es mir in erster Linie darum keine Daten zu verlieren. Daher die Frage was der sicherste Weg ist:
- Neustart?
- Festplatte 1 rausziehen und durch eine neue ersetzen?
- oder Spare-Platte ins Volume händisch einbinden (warum macht er das nicht automatisch?)
Via Windows Dateiexplorer komme ich aktuell auf die Daten und kann diese händisch kopieren. Dauer halt sehr lange.
Via Hyper-Backup verlangt er einen Neustart - sind dann die Daten verloren, oder passiert mit dem aktuellen Zustand der DS1821+ nun nichts mehr und ich kann einen Neustart wagen?
I would do the following:
  1. Go to the Storage page and click the Hot Spare button.
  2. Go to the General tab, select a hot spare drive, and click Delete to delete it.
Then create a new storage pool and btrfs volume on the now unused 12TB drive 2. DSM and all your DSM settings, users, passwords etc will automatically be mirrored to this drive.

Next create a shared folder named backups on volume 2.

Then use Hyper Backup to backup all your shared folders and installed packages.
  1. Hyper Backup > [ + ] button, Folders and Packages > Next
  2. Local Shared Folder or USB > Multiple versions > Next
  3. select the backup shared folder > tick "Volume 1" to select all folders (see note below)
  4. click Next
  5. tick Application to select all apps > Next
  6. untick "Enable backup schedule" > untick "Enable integrity check schedule" > Next
  7. untick "Enable backup rotation" > Next > Done
Note: Write down the names of all packages that Hyper Backup is going to backup. There are some packages that Hyper Backup cannot backup. For those packages you can move them to volume 2 with https://github.com/007revad/Synology_app_mover via SSH.

When you're finished backing up everything you can replace drive 1 with a new drive the same size and let storage manager do the repair.

Or you could delete storage pool 1, create a new SHR-1 storage pool and btrfs volume and then restore everything to volume 1.
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Reaktionen: Benie
DaveR meinst du mit diesem Satz:
"Then create a new storage pool and btrfs volume on the now unused 12TB drive 2. DSM and all your DSM settings, users, passwords etc will automatically be mirrored to this drive."
das die Spiegelung dann via Hyper Backup, wie in den weiteren Zeilen beschrieben erfolgt?
Ohne Hyper-Backup dürfte dies vmtl. nicht gehen!?
Allerdings erfordert dann Hypber-Backup einen Neustart - ohne Neustart habe ich HyperBackup bislang nicht zum laufen bekommen.
Ggf. ist der Neustart ja zwischenzeitlich nicht weiter schädlich!? Die DSM1 läuft ja seit Deaktivierung des Laufwerkes 1 wieder mit voller Geschwindigkeit
"Then create a new storage pool and btrfs volume on the now unused 12TB drive 2. DSM and all your DSM settings, users, passwords etc will automatically be mirrored to this drive." do
you mean that the mirroring is then done via Hyper Backup

DSM automatically mirrors (RAID 1) the hidden system partition and hidden swap partition across all internal SATA drives that have a storage pool on them.

Perhaps the restart isn't harmful in the meantime!? The DSM1 has been running at full speed again since drive 1 was deactivated
You can reboot now, if you want to.

Looking at your last screenshots storage pool 1 is showing as In Order. So at this point you are finished... if you want to leave as is with wasted space.
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Reaktionen: Benie
Habe nun auch den Neustart gewagt:
Hat geklappt - NAS schnurrt nun wieder wie ein Kätzchen.
Vielen Dank für die tatkräftige Unterstützung!
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Reaktionen: Benie und DaveR

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