ich habe vom Support folgende Informationen bekommen:
In this case, if you are using the MAC file service as the diskstation name as backup destination, please go to DSM > Control Panel > Network > DSM setting. to enable the bonjour service at first.
Then check if the MAC file service if available for afp://disktaiton.local or not.
If the diskstation cannot be connected, there is possibility that the name resolving has been blocked by some reason, to narrow down the issue, please connect again with finder > go > connect to the server, then connect the DS as IP address, such as afp://192.168.x.x.
If the IP address work fine,we assume it might be some issue of the bonjour service. (under Network - DMS Settings)
Then confirming there is no firewall rules will block the service, both on your MAC and Diskstation.
If none of them block the feature, there is possibility that your networking cross different subnets even they are local network.
Bei mit hat die DS Firewall folgendes geblockt:
Anhang anzeigen 29879
Seit dem funktioniert es einwandfrei.
Viele Erfolg .....
Wobei synofuckup.intern der hostname meiner DS ist. Das müsst ihr natürlich mit dem Hostnamen oder IP eurer DiskStation ersetzen.ssh synofuckup.intern -l root '/usr/syno/sbin/synoservice --restart avahi'
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