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I was going to edit it myself but I saw in the original post that "Wo ist was im Linux-System" appears to assigned to you. And as I'd be using a translator to translate English to German I didn't to add any incorrect translations. :)
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Reaktionen: dil88 und Tommes
Thank you very much @DaveR. I'll take a look at your changes via the version history this afternoon and correct any translation errors.

In my opinion, assigning the contribution does not change the fact that other users can also make changes. That's the great thing about the new wiki. Every registered user of this forum can also make changes to the wiki (although initially the changes must be confirmed by someone from the team)

But of course... it's understandably not that easy for you to make changes to the German-language wiki.
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Reaktionen: DaveR und dil88
Anyone can make the confirmation, so at least I was able to confirm my own posts.

In the Wikimedia Foundation's wikis, contributions from new users are not automatically visible, but must be marked as such by a so-called viewer. The status as a passive viewer is obtained after a certain period of time. Your own posts are then automatically marked as viewed. The status as an active viewer, i.e. that you can also view the posts of others, requires even more corresponding edits. Perhaps in the long term we can also think about adapting the whole system. But I can't say exactly how much work this would involve in the background.

The other big advantage, just to mention it here, is that every change is traceable and therefore it is clear who made the mistake, so that you can correct the whole thing or possibly talk to people about it. This is not meant to imply that people should be held liable, but if someone has made a mistake in several articles, even if it is only a copying error, you can search through the users edits and correct them.
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Reaktionen: DaveR


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