Apps von Volume(x) nach Volume(y) verschieben

Now I see a "package" in the list with the name @database.

DON"T move @database to an NVMe volume. After a DSM update many Synology packages will create a new empty database in volume1 if the NVMe volume is not mounted yet.

I need to check if the script prevents moving @database to an NVMe volume.
Thank you for the hint. I just moved @database to NVME volume. So if i understand, i should move it back before next update. I will do so.

But i first will delete volume1 and recreate it as a btrfs volume (it's a ext4 at the moment). Do you think it's a problem?

The packages themselves can reside on NVME volume?

After moving all my packages to volume2 (the NVME volume) i see some folders that had been left on volume1. Such as @userpreferences and some others. Are you interested in a list (a screenshot)?

When i moved some php and python packages, many services were stoped, but not restarted after the moving. It's not really a problem, i think an advice in the doc would help to not forget to start all services after basic packages had been moved.

Ty for your very helpful script!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Moving @database temporarily to the NVMe volume is okay.

The packages themselves are okay on the NVMe volume.

Yes, please provide a screenshot of what is left on volume 1.

@userpreferences is one of the folders that DSM automatically moves when you delete the volume it's on... but I honestly don't know if DSM will move it to an NVMe volume. My @userpreferences don't contain much.

root@SENNA:~# cd /volume1/@userpreference
root@SENNA:/volume1/@userpreference# tree
├── admin
│   ├── appnotify
│   ├── appnotify.lock
│   └── emailaccount.db
├── @administrators
├── Contacts
├── Dave
│   ├── activities
│   ├── appnotify
│   ├── appnotify.lock
│   ├── bkgtask
│   ├── emailaccount.db
│   ├── loginservice.db
│   ├── SynoFinder
│   └── usersettings
├── guest
├── MinimServer
│   ├── appnotify
│   └── appnotify.lock
├── root
├── system
└── Virtualization
    ├── appnotify
    └── appnotify.lock

11 directories, 15 files

If you save an export of DSM's settings from "Control Panel > Update & Restore > Configuration Backup" you should be able to restore those settings later if needed.

When i moved some php and python packages, many services were stoped, but nnot restarted after the moving. It's not really a problem, i think an advice in the doc would help to not forget to start all services after basic packages had been moved.

Was it some packages or some services that weren't restarted?

Before stopping any packages the script creates a list of dependant packages that are currently running and later restarts any that haven't already been restarted.
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Reaktionen: RalfPeter
@DaveR, I like the names of your NASes ;)
Where does the command "tree" comes from? Any extensions installed? Ok, I see "SynoCli File Tools"?
  • Like
Reaktionen: DaveR
Yep, SynoCli File Tools includes tree

SynoCli Disk Tools includes dutree which is also very handy.

Every time I edit my scripts on github I have to remember not to use commands that aren't included in DSM.

My Synology NASes are named Senna, Webber and Oscar.
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Reaktionen: Benares
Who ist Oscar? Piastri? :unsure:
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Reaktionen: DaveR
I love F1, but I never visited a race. Have you ever been in Melbourne?
In Germany we have the "Hockenheimring" and the "Nürburgring" but there were no races since many years. My son lives in in Austria, so "Spielberg" seems to be the next choice.
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Reaktionen: ctrlaltdelete
I've never been to an F1 race. I went to the first Australian MotoGP race (but it wasn't called MotoGP back then) and I realised it's better to watch races on TV (even though you miss the crowd atmosphere). If I go to an F1 race I'd want to go to Spa or Monaco.

I want to see Hulk finally get a podium.
My elder son lives/works in Belgium, so Spa would be another choice. Monaco would be my favorite too, but it's far away, but not so far as from Australia ;)
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Reaktionen: DaveR
Good morning,

hier is the output from dutree (i think i have to learn the parameters :) and i did not find any documentation for the CLI commandline tools). I deleted my own folders from the list:

[ volume1 14.86 TiB ]
├─ @synoelasticd.core     │                                 │   0%      4.12 GiB
├─ @ActiveInsight         │                                 │   0%      3.68 GiB
├─ @synovpcd.core         │                                 │   0%      2.80 GiB
├─ @eaDir                 │                                 │   0%      1.97 GiB
├─ @synoaudiod.core       │                                 │   0%      1.20 GiB
├─ @database              │                                 │   0%    701.67 MiB
├─ @appstore              │                                 │   0%    364.19 MiB
├─ @clamav                │                                 │   0%     88.09 MiB
├─ @dms.core              │                                 │   0%     86.37 MiB
├─ @rspamd.core           │                                 │   0%     63.00 MiB
├─ @resource-monitor      │                                 │   0%     53.44 MiB
├─ @httpd.core            │                                 │   0%     52.79 MiB
├─ @syslog-ng.core        │                                 │   0%     42.27 MiB
├─ @ssactruled.core       │                                 │   0%     41.08 MiB
├─ @optware               │                                 │   0%     37.01 MiB
├─ @synoelasticd.core.gz  │                                 │   0%     27.70 MiB
├─ @CompositorTileW.core. │                                 │   0%     25.43 MiB
├─ @ssrotated.core        │                                 │   0%     19.05 MiB
├─ @synopkg.core          │                                 │   0%     13.11 MiB
├─ @syno_set_config.core  │                                 │   0%     12.24 MiB
├─ @SYNO.VideoStati.core  │                                 │   0%     10.20 MiB
├─ @rspamd.core.gz        │                                 │   0%      9.76 MiB
├─ @synoaudiod.core.gz    │                                 │   0%      9.54 MiB
├─ @synovideometada.core. │                                 │   0%      9.22 MiB
├─ @ffmpeg27.core.gz      │                                 │   0%      8.29 MiB
├─ @thread2.core.gz       │                                 │   0%      7.57 MiB
├─ @tmp                   │                                 │   0%      6.82 MiB
├─ @SYNO.ContactAnd.core  │                                 │   0%      6.71 MiB
├─ @surveillance          │                                 │   0%      6.10 MiB
├─ @SynoFinder-log        │                                 │   0%      5.63 MiB
├─ @WTCheck.tThread.core. │                                 │   0%      4.61 MiB
├─ @builtin-dyn-aut.core  │                                 │   0%      4.59 MiB
├─ @synoscim              │                                 │   0%      4.33 MiB
├─ @ssbackup              │                                 │   0%      3.67 MiB
├─ @SYNO.FolderShar.core  │                                 │   0%      3.62 MiB
├─ @facerecognition.core  │                                 │   0%      3.62 MiB
├─ @SYNO.Core.Packa.core  │                                 │   0%      2.59 MiB
├─ @smbd.core             │                                 │   0%      2.22 MiB
├─ @synophoto-bin-t.core  │                                 │   0%      1.91 MiB
├─ @sswebstreamd.core.gz  │                                 │   0%      1.66 MiB
├─ @synoaic_monitor.synol │                                 │   0%      1.45 MiB
├─ @appdata               │                                 │   0%      1.39 MiB
├─ @snmpd.synology_v1000_ │                                 │   0%      1.35 MiB
├─ @httpd.synology_v1000_ │                                 │   0%      1.29 MiB
├─ @SYNO.SynologyDr.core. │                                 │   0%      1.19 MiB
├─ @convert.synology_v100 │                                 │   0%      1.16 MiB
├─ @synocalendar          │                                 │   0%      1.16 MiB
├─ @sshd.core             │                                 │   0%    680.00 KiB
├─ @SYNO.ContactAnd.core. │                                 │   0%    671.09 KiB
├─ @synofoto-bin-mi.synol │                                 │   0%    664.52 KiB
├─ @config_backup         │                                 │   0%    654.00 KiB
├─ @SYNO.Core.UserS.core. │                                 │   0%    604.53 KiB
├─ @ffmpeg.synology_v1000 │                                 │   0%    592.67 KiB
├─ @synocontentextr.synol │                                 │   0%    589.97 KiB
├─ @doveadm.synology_v100 │                                 │   0%    534.30 KiB
├─ @synofoto-bin-re.synol │                                 │   0%    490.79 KiB
├─ @pkg-SynologyMom.core. │                                 │   0%    396.23 KiB
├─ @userpreference        │                                 │   0%    301.76 KiB
├─ @imap.core.gz          │                                 │   0%    296.36 KiB
├─ @appconf               │                                 │   0%    183.59 KiB
├─ @apphome               │                                 │   0%     84.00 KiB
├─ @download_backup       │                                 │   0%     74.42 KiB
├─ @gpg.core.gz           │                                 │   0%     68.77 KiB
├─ aquota.user            │                                 │   0%     66.00 KiB
├─ @S2S                   │                                 │   0%     53.17 KiB
├─ @appshare              │                                 │   0%     52.00 KiB
├─           │                                 │   0%     47.00 KiB
├─ @MailScanner           │                                 │   0%     33.02 KiB
├─ @quarantine            │                                 │   0%     20.00 KiB
├─ lost+found             │                                 │   0%     16.00 KiB
├─ @SynoFinder-etc-volume │                                 │   0%     15.59 KiB
├─ @spool                 │                                 │   0%     12.16 KiB
├─ NetBackup              │                                 │   0%     12.00 KiB
├─ @img_bkp_cache         │                                 │   0%     12.00 KiB
├─ @SynoDrive             │                                 │   0%      8.00 KiB
├─ synoquota.db           │                                 │   0%      5.00 KiB
├─ @syno_rbd              │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
├─ @apptemp               │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
├─ @iSCSI                 │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
├─ @ipkgui_archive        │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
├─ @synoconfd             │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
├─ @maillog               │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
├─ @docker_backup         │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
├─ @AntiVirus             │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
├─ @docker                │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB
└─ @download              │                                 │   0%      4.00 KiB

Was it some packages or some services that weren't restarted?
I meant packages ... not services
You can delete all of those files that end in .core or .core.gz DMS creates those coredumps when a package crashes so that Synology Support can see what the package had in memory when it crashed.

I can see a @dms.core which would seem like DSM itself crashed at some point.

NetBackup is created when you enable the rysnc service, so if you disable the rsync service (for now) you can delete the NetBackup shared folder (from within Control Panel > Shared Folder).

You appear to still have a package installed on volume1 because @appstore is 364 MiB.

I don't have an @ActiveInsight so I have no idea why your is 3.68 GiB.

Once you moved whatever packages are left in @appstore you should be okay to delete the ext4 storage pool 1 and create a btrfs storage pool 1.
  • Like
Reaktionen: RalfPeter
In @ActiveInsigt there is a sqlite database with all the activities on the NAS. I think it is not needed for a backup.

In @appstore there are older packages (that i had installed and deinstalled on my DS1513+ which i migrated by hdd to my DS1621+)

@appstore 364.19 MiB ]
├─ Java7                  │ ████████████████████████████████│  80%    294.91 MiB
│  ├─ j2sdk-image         │ ░███████████████████████████████│  99%    293.01 MiB
│  ├─ indexdb             │ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│   0%      1.42 MiB
│  └─ ui                  │ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│   0%    483.23 KiB
├─ JDownloader-test       │                           ██████│  18%     67.75 MiB
│  ├─ jd                  │                           ░░░░░█│  39%     26.46 MiB
│  ├─ libs                │                           ░░░░░░│  23%     16.10 MiB
│  ├─ Core.jar            │                           ░░░░░░│  10%      7.27 MiB
│  ├─ translations        │                           ░░░░░░│   8%      6.06 MiB
│  ├─ logs                │                           ░░░░░░│   7%      5.20 MiB
│  ├─ JDownloader.jar     │                           ░░░░░░│   4%      2.94 MiB
│  ├─ themes              │                           ░░░░░░│   2%      1.62 MiB
│  ├─ licenses            │                           ░░░░░░│   0%    524.23 KiB
│  ├─ update              │                           ░░░░░░│   0%    505.35 KiB
│  ├─ extensions          │                           ░░░░░░│   0%    445.87 KiB
│  ├─ tmp                 │                           ░░░░░░│   0%    400.79 KiB
│  ├─ tools               │                           ░░░░░░│   0%    176.05 KiB
│  ├─ license_german.txt  │                           ░░░░░░│   0%     38.70 KiB
│  ├─ license.txt         │                           ░░░░░░│   0%     31.28 KiB
│  ├─ cfg                 │                           ░░░░░░│   0%     28.56 KiB
│  ├─ java                │                           ░░░░░░│   0%      4.00 KiB
│  └─ build.json          │                           ░░░░░░│   0%         320 B
├─ WordPress              │                                 │   0%    925.27 KiB
│  ├─ indexdb             │                                 │  78%    730.34 KiB
│  ├─ ui                  │                                 │  17%    159.60 KiB
│  ├─ desktop             │                                 │   2%     21.36 KiB
│  └─ synology_added      │                                 │   1%      9.97 KiB
├─ adminer                │                                 │   0%    439.65 KiB
│  ├─ share               │                                 │  94%    413.53 KiB
│  └─ app                 │                                 │   5%     22.12 KiB
├─ Init_3rdparty          │                                 │   0%    137.62 KiB
│  ├─ app                 │                                 │  60%     82.94 KiB
│  ├─ php56               │                                 │  20%     28.58 KiB
│  └─ php70               │                                 │  16%     22.11 KiB
└─ cronjobeditor          │                                 │   0%     62.32 KiB
   ├─ images              │                                 │  31%     19.45 KiB
   ├─ editcron.php        │                                 │  23%     14.66 KiB
   ├─ newcron.php         │                                 │  12%      7.72 KiB
   ├─ cronjob.php         │                                 │   9%      5.62 KiB
   ├─ include             │                                 │   8%      5.49 KiB
   ├─ setcron.php         │                                 │   7%      4.81 KiB
   ├─ config              │                                 │   0%         397 B
   └─ application.cfg     │                                 │   0%         191 B
I am going to add the choice of moving all packages at once to the script.
Looks like this option was not implemented until now :(
Unfortunately, I have to replace my SSD where all my apps and containers are installed and I am a bit "afraid" about manually selecting all the 35 apps twice (move, replace SSD, move back). o_O
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
I've had a few requests recently for a "move all" option but at the moment I'm busy getting ready to move to a new home. I've already packed my DS720+ which is what I use to develop the app mover script. It will be 4 weeks from now before I can start on updating app mover.

The apps that can be moved are sorted by volume number then name. So if you are moving all apps from volume 2 to volume 1 just keep selecting the last app (by entering 35) and volume 1 (by entering 1) until there's no more apps left on volume 2.
  1. Launch the script.
  2. Enter 35, 1, y
  3. Up-arrow, Enter 35, 1, y
  4. Repeat step 3 until all apps show volume 1.
To move them back to the new volume 2 keep selecting the first app (by entering 1) and volume 2 (by entering 2).
  1. Launch the script.
  2. Enter 1, 2, y
  3. Up-arrow, Enter 1, 2, y
  4. Repeat step 3 until all apps show volume 2.
I've quickly moved 47 apps this way... though a few apps can take hours.
I've had a few requests recently for a "move all" option but at the moment I'm busy getting ready to move to a new home. I've already packed my DS720+ which is what I use to develop the app mover script. It will be 4 weeks from now before I can start on updating app mover.
Real life always comes first (y)
The apps that can be moved are sorted by volume number then name. So if you are moving all apps from volume 2 to volume 1 just keep selecting the last app (by entering 35) and volume 1 (by entering 1) until there's no more apps left on volume 2.
  1. Launch the script.
  2. Enter 35, 1, y
  3. Up-arrow, Enter 35, 1, y
  4. Repeat step 3 until all apps show volume 1.
This is of course exactly what I did last time I used your script, and that's also why I asked for a "move all" option ;)
Unfortunately, the script always asks for re-starting the package, so it's one more "y".
Also, it would be great in case the script would not stop after every move, but just steps back to the "main menu".

What I did now is, I recorded a macro in MobaXterm, so I did not have to enter everything manually. Works with most packages.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Unfortunately, the script always asks for re-starting the package, so it's one more "y".
Also, it would be great in case the script would not stop after every move, but just steps back to the "main menu".
It only asks for re-starting a package if the script stopped that package. If stop all packages in package center then run the script it will skip starting the package.

If you replace the "exit" at the end of the script with this it will reload the script each time it reaches the end:
exec "${scriptpath}/$scriptfile"

When you are finished and want to exit you would need to close the shell window or press Ctrl+C
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Reaktionen: hergi

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