Baïkal contacts (CardDAV) and calendar (CardDAV) installation package for Synology

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I’ve just installed Baikal (V: 0.2.7) on my DS 214+ (V: 5.0.4493 Update 4)
I set up the CarDav-Server according to the manual, installed maria DB and myphpadmin
When I try to set up the CardDAV-Server an my mac it says:
"Accountname oder Kennwort konnte nicht überprüft werden“
(means: Accoun or password could not be verified)

I opened a port on my fritzbox to forward an https connection
but the problem exists on an http connection as well.
Do you have any idea?

Thanks for your help!
If this Mac is in your local network, you don't have to do anything with your router.

When you enabled WebStation, a firewall rule was (offered to be added) to your DSM. Check if your Mac can access baikal, by opening http://<yoursyno>/baikal, you should get a simple page stating "Baïkal is running allright."

If still not working, you can try another WebDAV authentication type for Baikal, i.e. Basic instead of Digest. You specify it in the install wizard, can change it on the admin page.

Good luck,

Manual update DSM v5

I updated the manual for DSM v5, available on SourceForge (see 1st post).


I've installed the SPK with MariaDB on a Synology DS210j with DSM 5.0-4493 Update 4 and it works like a charm using Android Devices and Thunderbird. However, during my Full-Backup last night I got the following message:
Local backup skip symbol link file [/volume1/web/baikal].

Now, this symbol link is pointing to "/var/services/web/" and I'm wondering if this folder is in the backup as well? Or is this file not even needed for restoring later on? I'm actually not concerned about the user data, since this is saved in the MariaDB, but I want to clarify things just to push away my concerns :rolleyes:

Thanks a lot in advance
Hello Alez,

As described in the manual, you should backup the "Specific" folder (containing your config details) even when using MariaDB.
No need to backup the "baikal" symbolic link.

Thanks Erik, i managed it to use Baikal with MySQL.

Works great !

Hi Erik,

thanks for the reply. I backup the whole /volume1/web folder in parallel to the MySQL databases. My concerns came from the fact, that the symbolic link points to /var/services/web/, which I cannot select during backup. But I had a look now using putty and the folder in /var/services/web is actually the folder /volume1/web. Didn't know that before...
Correct, all clear :)

will it be possible in near future to add contact folders? Similar like in Google contacts? I know adding mailing lists work, but I need for better structuring folders in my contact view.

For feature requests, please contact the Baïkal developer:
All I do is making it easy to use, by creating a Synology SPK package that contains the latest released Baikal program.


Habe Baikal mit MariaDB am laufen. Habe jetzt festgestellt, dass er mir die Umlaute falsch konvertiert.
Von Outlook zu Outlook gehst, von Outlook zu eM Mail bzw. zum Android Adressbuch werden die Umlaute falsch dargestellt.

Kann das von euch einer verifizieren ?

Meine baikal DB ist utf8_unicode_ci

Hi, I have a Synology 213j NAS running Baikal 0.2.7. I have already set this up in Android, where it works flawlessly. However, in Thunderbird I can only sync contacts, not my two calendars.

The problem I am experiencing is that my first calendar can be activated but displays a little yellow triangle at the right side with the tooltip "The calendar <name> is currently not available". The second calendar can't even be activated, the little checkbox at the left is blacked out. If I choose sync calendar from the context menu of the first calendar then the triangle disappears but nothing is synced. When I click "Reset calendar cache", again from the context menu of the first calendar, the little triangle appears again.

I have already tried numerous solutions:

- Setting my timezone in Lightning
- Using different/same usernames/passwords
- Using/not using Thunderbird's password manager for storing the passwords
- Setting '' setting to true in Thunderbird
- Unsubscribing from one or the other calendar and just syncing one

When I tried messing with Thunderbird's config, nothing worked anymore as the password prompt just kept popping up even if I told it to remember the passwords.

Anybody have any ideas?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Basalt,

habe heute auf DSM 5.1 aktualisiert und bekomme beim Installieren des .spk files "Das Paket enthält keine digitale Signatur". Was kann ich da tun?
Du kannst die Signatur-Prüfung abschalten.
...und wieder was gelernt!


beim Versuch das Paket auf meiner DS415+ mit DSM 5.1 zu installieren, erhalte ich nur die Meldung "Ungültiges Dateiformat."
Signaturprüfung ist abgeschaltet.
Es handelt sich natürlich um die angebotene spk-Datei, weshalb ich die Meldung etwas missverständlich finde. Dreht es sich bei dem Problem um die neue Architektur bzw. die noch nicht erschienene avoton-Toolchain?
Wenn ja, ist ein Pakte für die DS415+ in Planung?
Wenn nein, kann mir jemand einen anderen Tipp für die Lösung des Problems geben?

Herzlichen Dank im Voraus.
The package is architecture independant, should work on any Syno.
Did you download the "baikal-0.2.7-002.spk" file indeed? (not the sources)

Note that since DSM 5.1, Synology has it's own CardDAV server package. Maybe you'd better start with that one.

Thanks for your response.
Just to make sure, I downloaded the .spk file again and I noticed the file downloaded earlier was way smaller than the one on Sourceforge... I guess something went wrong with that earlier download.
Everything is working fine now. :)

By the way, I tried using the built-in CardDAV and CalDAV capabilites. However, I wasn't able to get DAVdroid on my Android phone to work with it because the Synology packages don't support auto-detection of calender/contacts resources (

Thanks again!
Hallo Gemeinde,

ich habe seit neuestem eine Synology, mit ownCloud installiert und möchte aus Admin-Gründen Baikal nutzen.
Wie auch immer. Ich nutze per dynip Dienst subdomains (subdomain.domain.tld). Das Anlegen und Erreichen der Subdomains in der Syno geht sehr gut. Nun möchte ich baikal unter bspw. baikal.domain.tld erreichen. Das Baikal-Webinterface geht, jedoch bekomme ich den Port 8443 von außen nicht erreicht. Eine Portweiterleitung ist eingerichtet in der FritzBox!. Bei der Syno pkg oder via manuelle Installation von Baikal habe ich jeweils diese Probleme.
Nutze ich ownCloud (offenbar via Port 443) oder die Synology CardDAV (Port 8443) erreiche ich den calDAV Server. Nur eben bei Baikal nicht.

Hat jemand hierzu eine Idee?
Hallo. Musst du baikal nciht auch über port 443 laufen lassen?
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