Um genau zu sein sind das bei....Mein Admin-Passwort hat 9 Zeichen, voller Zeichensatz (Sonderzeichen, Zahlen, Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben).
Damit komme ich auf 350 Billiarden Kombinationen.
Das steht ja in dem bereits verlinkten Wikipedia Artikel:Und was genau ist denn jetzt die Entropie?
Entropy as a measure of password strength[edit]
It is usual in the computer industry to specify password strength in terms of information entropy, which is measured in bits and is a concept from information theory. Instead of the number of guesses needed to find the password with certainty, the base-2 logarithm of that number is given, which is commonly referred to as the number of "entropy bits" in a password, though this is not exactly the same quantity as information entropy.[9] A password with an entropy of 42 bits calculated in this way would be as strong as a string of 42 bits chosen randomly, for example by a fair coin toss. Put another way, a password with an entropy of 42 bits would require 242 (4,398,046,511,104) attempts to exhaust all possibilities during a brute force search. Thus, increasing the entropy of the password by one bit doubles the number of guesses required, making an attacker's task twice as difficult. On average, an attacker will have to try half the possible number of passwords before finding the correct one.[4]
Wird in bits angegeben.Und wird in welcher Einheit gemessen?
H = Log2(N^L) = Ln(N^L) / Ln(2)
Die alt bewährte 2FA geht meines Wissens nach auch offline.2FA … braucht eine aktive Internetverbindung um zu funktionieren oder?
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