Repair bandwidth - storage nodes are paid for the egress bandwidth used when satellites download pieces of files from storage nodes as part of the repair process. Payments will be made to storage node operators at $10 per TB. These bandwidth payments to storage node operators are for all data downloaded by Satellites as part of the process to repair data that is lost due to node churn.Note that Satellites download pieces from multiple storage nodes, then recreate missing pieces, and upload the new pieces to other statistically uncorrelated, high-reputation nodes. Storage nodes are not responsible for actual data repair. For more information on the details of file repair, check out the white paper.
========== AUDIT =============
Successful: 799
Recoverable failed: 0
Unrecoverable failed: 0
Success Rate Min: 100.000%
Success Rate Max: 100.000%
========== DOWNLOAD ==========
Successful: 6970
Failed: 3
Success Rate: 99.957%
========== UPLOAD ============
Successful: 10390
Rejected: 0
Failed: 8542
Acceptance Rate: 100.000%
Success Rate: 54.881%
========== REPAIR DOWNLOAD ===
Successful: 1
Failed: 0
Success Rate: 100.000%
========== REPAIR UPLOAD =====
Successful: 1140
Failed: 1104
Success Rate: 50.802%
sudo docker exec -it storagenode /app/
sudo bash /volume1[oder 2 oder 3...]/[Ordner wo das sh-file drin liegt]/
sudo python /volume[oder 2 oder 3...]/[Ordner wo das sh-file drin liegt]j/ /volume1/[Ordner wo der Knoten liegt]/storage/
sudo python /volume1/Storj/ /volume1/Storj/storage 2020-01
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