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Geht das jetzt schon wieder los? Downloadserver füttern jedoch keine Release-Notes rausbringen und die Downloadserver dann immer wieder mit überarbeiteten Dateien füttern um so die Anwender total Durcheinander zu bringen?
Leute, ich würd mir nichts auf die DS spielen, solange nicht die Release-Notes raus sind. Was denkt sich Synology blos dabei unfertige Updates freizuschießen!
Das jedoch im Vorfeld ein, in meinen Augen "inoffizielles" Update auf den Downloadservern angeboten wird, welches dazu noch über keine Release-Notes verfügt, finde ich verwirrend und nicht zielführend bei der Lösung von Problemen.
Tja, dann ignoriere es doch!![]()
Synology hat auf meine DS zugegriffen und - ich vermute mal - ein Update installiert.
Deshalb hier eine Lösung, die vlt. für andere User interessant ist, die auch einen Yamaha Receiver aus der Serie RX-Vxxx haben. Es gibt eine Einstellung Netzwerk-Standby, die war/ist bei mir eingeschaltet. Wenn ich diese Option ausschalte reduziert das erheblich die Kommunikation auf dem Netzwerk und die DS geht wieder zuverlässig ins Systemhibernation.
I have just received an interesting tip from the support guys. The file /usr/syno/etc/synoscem/packagefilter contains a rule that says which packets are ignored in the counter when going to system sleep. You'll see that by default port 123 (for NTP) is ignored.
That said I'm not ignoring the problem of NTP at all, although your 'fix' reduced the problem for me it didn't completely go away. Furthermore but I couldn't really find any trace in /var/log/scemd.log pointing to NTP as the culprit. What I found out was that by selecting instead of my ISP's ntp server, it did work OK with the default polling interval.
I'm suspecting that there's something wrong when you choose non-standard NTP server.
With that solved I then started to see other causes for my diskstation not going to system sleep, i.e. frequent exchanges on port 1780, and these were related to the router config. I replaced the upnp port forwarding by static port forwarding on the router itself and removed the DSM router config entries. This finally solved my issues completely.
If you're interested in the packagefilter file settings:
you could just use vi to edit the file. Remember to reboot to make it update.
There is only one line in the file, you could use "and", "or", "not" to customize the filter.
And the configurable parameter will be (i) src/dst (ii) port/ portrange/ host (iii) protocol: tcp / udp
dst port 80 --> count the packet to access port 80 on DS
not dst port 80 --> skip the packet to access port 80 on DS
not (dst port 80 or dst port 5000) --> skip the packet to access port 80 or 5000 on DS
not dst tcp port 80 --> skip the TCP packet to access port 80 on DS
not dst portrange 80-5000 --> skip the packet to access port ranged from 80 ~ 5000 on DS
not src host --> skip the packet from
Here is the example. To avoid any side effect, I suggest that you backup the original configuration file before every modification to the rule.
Yupp, das ist korrekt.
Das Einschalten geht dann nicht mehr über die App. Wenn du aber den Receiver manuell einschaltest, kannst du die App weiterhin benutzen, aber ich gebe dir Recht, es ist eine kleine Einschränkung.
Version: 5.0-4458 Update 2
Change Log
-Fixed a critical security issue of OpenSSL (heartbleed) to prevent secret keys from being compromised. (CVE-2014-0160)
-Enhanced the reliability of moving shared folders to different volumes.
-Fixed a security issue causing encrypted shared folders to be mounted automatically after resetting the admin's password by pressing the reset button.
-Fixed an issue causing system services and applications to possibly stop working.
-Fixed an issue causing files indexing in Media Library to possibly stop working.
-Fixed an issue preventing users from logging into FTP service when Personal Website was enabled and the homes shared folder was located on an ext3 volume.
-Fixed an issue causing hard drives to not hibernate when SSD read-write cache was enabled.
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